Issue - meetings
Green Travel Plan Progress Report 2018 and Update
Meeting: 12/06/2019 - Cabinet (Item 6)
6 Green Travel Plan Progress Report 2018 and Update PDF 108 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment seeking to update Members on the implementation of the Council’s Green Travel Policy and its effectiveness following 12 months of operation from April 2018 to March 2019.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the effectiveness of the policy be noted following 12 months of operation.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment that sought to update Members on the implementation of the Council’s Green Travel Policy and its effectiveness following 12 months of operation from April 2018 to March 2019.
The Cabinet Member for Environment outlined the background to the report and highlighted the achievements. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure welcomed the positive steps being taken and commented on the importance of trialling new ideas. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods placed the reductions in CO2 levels in the context of the Council’s work to improve air quality and drew Members’ attention to the successful partnership with the County Council.
RESOLVED that the effectiveness of the policy be noted following 12 months of operation.