Agenda item
Notices of Motion
“Council notes:
That the impacts of climate breakdown are already causing serious damage around the world.
That the ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C’, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in October 2018, (a) describes the enormous harm that a 2°C average rise in global temperatures is likely to cause compared with a 1.5°C rise, and (b) confirms that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector.
That all governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to act, and local governments that recognise this should not wait for their national governments to change their policies;
That strong policies to cut emissions also have associated health, wellbeing and economic benefits;
and that, recognising this, a growing number of UK local authorities have already passed 'Climate Emergency' motions.
Council therefore commits to:
Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action.
Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030
Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2030
Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030.
Support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the same timescale;
Ensure that political and chief officer leadership teams embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities, ensuring that any recommendations are fully costed and that the Executive and Scrutiny functions review council activities taking account of production and consumption emissions and produce an action plan within 12 months, together with budget actions and a measured baseline;
Request that Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider the impact of climate change and the environment when reviewing Council policies and strategies;
Work with, influence and inspire partners across the district, county and region to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources by developing a series of meetings, events and partner workshops;
Request that the Council and partners take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future;
Request that the Executive Portfolio holder with responsibility for Climate Change convenes a Citizens’ Assembly in 2019 in order to involve the wider population in this process. This group would help develop their own role, identify how the Council’s activities might be made net-zero carbon by 2030, consider the latest climate science and expert advice on solutions and to consider systematically the climate change impact of each area of the Council’s activities;
Set up a Climate Change Partnership group, involving Councillors, residents, young citizens, climate science and solutions experts, businesses, Citizens Assembly representatives and other relevant parties. Over the following 12 months, the Group will consider strategies and actions being developed by the Council and other partner organisations and develop a strategy in line with a target of net zero emissions by 2030. It will also recommend ways to maximise local benefits of these actions in other sectors such as employment, health, agriculture, transport and the economy
Report on the level of investment in the fossil fuel industry that our pensions plan and other investments have, and review the Council’s investment strategy to give due consideration to climate change impacts in the investment portfolio;
Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget cycle and investment strategy will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency;
Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to make this possible, and ask local MPs to do likewise;
Consider other actions that could be implemented, including (but not restricted to): renewable energy generation and storage, providing electric vehicle infrastructure and encouraging alternatives to private car use, increasing the efficiency of buildings, in particular to address fuel poverty; proactively using local planning powers to accelerate the delivery of net carbon new developments and communities, coordinating a series of information and training events to raise awareness and share good practice.”
“This Council notes:
That humans have already caused irreversible climate change, the impacts of which are being felt around the world.
That global temperatures have already increased by 1 degree Celsius from pre- industrial levels and atmospheric CO2 far exceeds levels deemed to be safe for humanity.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) special report on global warming of 1.5°C, published in January 2019, which tells us that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub- national authorities, civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities.
That the world is on track to overshoot the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit before 2050.
That the consequences of global temperature rising above 1.5°C are so severe that preventing this from happening must be humanity’s number one priority.
This Council further notes that:
Gloucester City Council has a cabinet member for the environment with responsibility for action on climate change
On 21st March council agreed a motion in name of Neil Hampson
Bold climate action can deliver economic benefits and that councils around the world are responding by declaring a ‘Climate Emergency’ and committing resources to address this emergency
Gloucestershire County Council has recently passed a motion recommending action to tackle climate change, including striving towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from it’s corporate estate by 2030
The UK Parliament has recognised the climate emergency
This Council resolves to:
Declare a climate emergency
Immediately carry out a carbon audit of the council’s corporate emissions
Commit towards zero carbon emissions for the council’s corporate carbon emissions by 2030 to include carbon offsetting if required
Lobby national government to commit to 100 per cent carbon neutrality for the UK by 2045
Agree that the city of Gloucester should become a carbon neutral city no later than 2045
Consider council contracts going forward to oblige all contractors to report their carbon emissions and to place a ‘carbon/environmental cost’ on competing bids.
To call on Central Government to provide additional powers and resources to support local and national action towards achieving carbon neutrality
Ensure that the City Plan and revised Joint Core Strategy include policies to deliver zero carbon new builds at the earliest date possible, but by 2030 at the latest
Work with other public and private bodies to achieve a carbon neutral city as soon as possible, but by 2045 at the latest
Provide an annual report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with a performance update on a quarterly basis on the council’s zero carbon strategy.”
“This Council notes that:
Gloucester City Council is committed to equality and diversity, and creating a Gloucester community that is strong, safe and inclusive for everyone.
Across parties, we stand together to promote and celebrate diversity in our City, standing against intolerance and hate crime.
The Council continues to create positive opportunities to employ a workforce that’s representative of the City’s communities, and provide a safe and accessible work environment that values and respects each individual.
We will continue to work in partnership with the County Council to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to equality and diversity.
The Council plays a crucial roll in promoting and fostering good relations within our communities and the relationship they have with the Council.
This Council resolves to:
Endorse the equalities action plan 2019-20 and the continued work of the Equalities working group.
Reaffirm our cross-party commitment to fostering diversity and promoting equality for all residents, Members and members of staff
Take action throughout the year to celebrate the City’s diversity by:
· Having a programme of flag-flying and support for key awareness days
· Supporting our communities to celebrate what’s important to them.”
Notice of Motion from Councillor Stephens
21.1 Councillor Stephens moved and Councillor Pullen seconded the following motion:-
“Council notes:
That the impacts of climate breakdown are already causing serious damage around the world.
That the ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C’, published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in October 2018, (a) describes the enormous harm that a 2°C average rise in global temperatures is likely to cause compared with a 1.5°C rise, and (b) confirms that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector.
That all governments (national, regional and local) have a duty to act, and local governments that recognise this should not wait for their national governments to change their policies;
That strong policies to cut emissions also have associated health, wellbeing and economic benefits;
and that, recognising this, a growing number of UK local authorities have already passed 'Climate Emergency' motions.
Council therefore commits to:
Declare a ‘Climate Emergency’ that requires urgent action.
Make the Council’s activities net-zero carbon by 2030
Achieve 100% clean energy across the Council’s full range of functions by 2030
Ensure that all strategic decisions, budgets and approaches to planning decisions are in line with a shift to zero carbon by 2030.
Support and work with all other relevant agencies towards making the entire area zero carbon within the same timescale;
Ensure that political and chief officer leadership teams embed this work in all areas and take responsibility for reducing, as rapidly as possible, the carbon emissions resulting from the Council’s activities, ensuring that any recommendations are fully costed and that the Executive and Scrutiny functions review council activities taking account of production and consumption emissions and produce an action plan within 12 months, together with budget actions and a measured baseline;
Request that Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee consider the impact of climate change and the environment when reviewing Council policies and strategies;
Work with, influence and inspire partners across the district, county and region to help deliver this goal through all relevant strategies, plans and shared resources by developing a series of meetings, events and partner workshops;
Request that the Council and partners take steps to proactively include young people in the process, ensuring that they have a voice in shaping the future;
Request that the Executive Portfolio holder with responsibility for Climate Change convenes a Citizens’ Assembly in 2019 in order to involve the wider population in this process. This group would help develop their own role, identify how the Council’s activities might be made net-zero carbon by 2030, consider the latest climate science and expert advice on solutions and to consider systematically the climate change impact of each area of the Council’s activities;
Set up a Climate Change Partnership group, involving Councillors, residents, young citizens, climate science and solutions experts, businesses, Citizens Assembly representatives and other relevant parties. Over the following 12 months, the Group will consider strategies and actions being developed by the Council and other partner organisations and develop a strategy in line with a target of net zero emissions by 2030. It will also recommend ways to maximise local benefits of these actions in other sectors such as employment, health, agriculture, transport and the economy
Report on the level of investment in the fossil fuel industry that our pensions plan and other investments have, and review the Council’s investment strategy to give due consideration to climate change impacts in the investment portfolio;
Ensure that all reports in preparation for the 2020/21 budget cycle and investment strategy will take into account the actions the council will take to address this emergency;
Call on the UK Government to provide the powers, resources and help with funding to make this possible, and ask local MPs to do likewise;
Consider other actions that could be implemented, including (but not restricted to): renewable energy generation and storage, providing electric vehicle infrastructure and encouraging alternatives to private car use, increasing the efficiency of buildings, in particular to address fuel poverty; proactively using local planning powers to accelerate the delivery of net carbon new developments and communities, coordinating a series of information and training events to raise awareness and share good practice.”
21.2 Councillor Cook moved and Councillor James seconded the following amendment:-
Delete all and replace with the following:
“This Council notes:
1. That the impact of climate breakdown is already causing serious damage around the world.
2. That global temperatures have already increased by 1°C from pre-industrial levels and atmospheric CO2 far exceeds levels deemed to be safe for humanity.
3. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C”, warns of the enormous harm that a rise in global temperatures of 2oC will do compared with a rise of 1.5oC and states that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities.
4. That global temperatures are on track to increase by over 1.5°C before 2050 and preventing this from happening must be humanity’s number one priority.
This Council further notes that:
5. The UK is responsible for 1% of the world’s CO2 emissions, and whilst UK emissions have reduced by more than any other developed country, global action is needed to ensure success.
6. New Zealand, France, Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden have all committed to zero carbon by 2050 as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
7. The IPCC has also acknowledged the need to act urgently to reduce the amount of carbon emissions by 2030.
8. The UK Parliament has declared a climate emergency
9. Gloucestershire County Council has endorsed the Parliamentary declaration and appointed a Cabinet Member with climate change responsibilities.
10.A growing number of Local Authorities have also declared a climate emergency and begun to take bold action to address the issue, acknowledging that this can also have health, well-being and economic benefits.
11.Gloucester City Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment holds responsibility for action on climate change
This Council resolves to:
a) Declare a Climate Emergency and recognise the urgency of the actions needed to tackle the issue
b) Carry out a Carbon Audit to inform the development of a City Council action plan on climate change to strive to meet the following targets: -
1) A net-zero city council carbon footprint by no later than 2030 (taking carbon off-setting into account)
2) A carbon neutral city by 2050
c) Ensure that strategic plans, budgets, and decisions reflect these targets and that they are appropriately embedded in all areas of the Council’s work.
d) Task the Cabinet Member for the Environment to present an annual report to Council on performance in delivering the City’s Action Plan on Climate Change.
e) Task the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with considering the impact of climate change when scrutinising Council strategies, policies and plans, including scrutiny of the annual performance report on delivery of the City’s action plan on Climate Change.
f) Work with partners across the City and County to support the delivery of the City’s action plan on climate change and contribute to the development and delivery of the equivalent plans of our partners.
g) Lobby national government and local MPs to commit to 100% UK carbon neutrality by 2050 and provide additional powers and resources to deliver the 2030 and 2050 targets.”
21.3 Councillor Hilton moved and Councillor Brazil seconded the following amendment:-
“Replace three references to 2050 with 2045”
21.4 The amendment was put to the vote and was lost.
21.5 The original amendment became the substantive motion and on being put to the vote was carried.
21.6 RESOLVED that this Council notes:
1. That the impact of climate breakdown is already causing serious damage around the world.
2. That global temperatures have already increased by 1°C from pre-industrial levels and atmospheric CO2 far exceeds levels deemed to be safe for humanity.
3. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C”, warns of the enormous harm that a rise in global temperatures of 2oC will do compared with a rise of 1.5oC and states that limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society, the private sector, indigenous peoples and local communities.
4. That global temperatures are on track to increase by over 1.5°C before 2050 and preventing this from happening must be humanity’s number one priority.
This Council further notes that:
5. The UK is responsible for 1% of the world’s CO2 emissions, and whilst UK emissions have reduced by more than any other developed country, global action is needed to ensure success.
6. New Zealand, France, Belgium, Denmark, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Sweden have all committed to zero carbon by 2050 as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
7. The IPCC has also acknowledged the need to act urgently to reduce the amount of carbon emissions by 2030.
8. The UK Parliament has declared a climate emergency
9. Gloucestershire County Council has endorsed the Parliamentary declaration and appointed a Cabinet Member with climate change responsibilities.
10. A growing number of Local Authorities have also declared a climate emergency and begun to take bold action to address the issue, acknowledging that this can also have health, well-being and economic benefits.
11. Gloucester City Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment holds responsibility for action on climate change
This Council resolves to:
a) Declare a Climate Emergency and recognise the urgency of the actions needed to tackle the issue
b) Carry out a Carbon Audit to inform the development of a City Council action plan on climate change to strive to meet the following targets: -
a. A net-zero city council carbon footprint by no later than 2030 (taking carbon off-setting into account)
b. A carbon neutral city by 2050
c) Ensure that strategic plans, budgets, and decisions reflect these targets and that they are appropriately embedded in all areas of the Council’s work.
d) Task the Cabinet Member for the Environment to present an annual report to Council on performance in delivering the City’s Action Plan on Climate Change.
e) Task the Overview and Scrutiny Committee with considering the impact of climate change when scrutinising Council strategies, policies and plans, including scrutiny of the annual performance report on delivery of the City’s action plan on Climate Change.
f) Work with partners across the City and County to support the delivery of the City’s action plan on climate change and contribute to the development and delivery of the equivalent plans of our partners.
g) Lobby national government and local MPs to commit to 100% UK carbon neutrality by 2050 and provide additional powers and resources to deliver the 2030 and 2050 targets.”
Notice of Motion from Councillor Hilton
21.7 The notice of motion from Councillor Hilton was withdrawn.
Notice of Motion from Councillor Coole
21.7.1Councillor Coole moved and Councillor Hyman seconded the following motion:-
This Council notes that:
Gloucester City Council is committed to equality and diversity, and creating a Gloucester community that is strong, safe and inclusive for everyone.
Across parties, we stand together to promote and celebrate diversity in our City, standing against intolerance and hate crime.
The Council continues to create positive opportunities to employ a workforce that’s representative of the City’s communities, and provide a safe and accessible work environment that values and respects each individual.
We will continue to work in partnership with the County Council to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to equality and diversity.
The Council plays a crucial role in promoting and fostering good relations within our communities and the relationship they have with the Council.
This Council resolves to:
Endorse the equalities action plan 2019-20 and the continued work of the Equalities working group.
Reaffirm our cross-party commitment to fostering diversity and promoting equality for all residents, Members and members of staff
Take action throughout the year to celebrate the City’s diversity by:
· Having a programme of flag-flying and support for key awareness days
· Supporting our communities to celebrate what’s important to them.
21.9 RESOLVED that this Council notes that:
Gloucester City Council is committed to equality and diversity, and creating a Gloucester community that is strong, safe and inclusive for everyone.
Across parties, we stand together to promote and celebrate diversity in our City, standing against intolerance and hate crime.
The Council continues to create positive opportunities to employ a workforce that’s representative of the City’s communities, and provide a safe and accessible work environment that values and respects each individual.
We will continue to work in partnership with the County Council to demonstrate our ongoing commitment to equality and diversity.
The Council plays a crucial role in promoting and fostering good relations within our communities and the relationship they have with the Council.
This Council resolves to:
Endorse the equalities action plan 2019-20 and the continued work of the Equalities working group.
Reaffirm our cross-party commitment to fostering diversity and promoting equality for all residents, Members and members of staff
Take action throughout the year to celebrate the City’s diversity by:
· Having a programme of flag-flying and support for key awareness days
· Supporting our communities to celebrate what’s important to them.