Agenda item

Land at Monkmeadow - 18/00680/REM

Application for determination:-


Reserved Matters approval for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, for 409 residential units pursuant to outline permission 14/00709/FUL (as varied) for the Monk Meadow phase (phase G).



The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for Reserved Matters approval for access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 409 residential developments pursuant to outline permission ref. 14/00709/FUL (as varied) for the Monk Meadow phase (phase G).


He drew Members’ attention to the late material which contained an update on amended plans, the views of the Highway Authority and a revised recommendation by the Planning Technical Manager.


The Vice-Chair expressed concern regarding the noise from generators on boats using the moorings and he asked if an electrical connection would be available to serve the pontoons. He was advised that the applicants had said that they would provide an electricity supply to the site boundary. The Canal and River Trust may then be able to provide an onwards connection.


A Member expressed concerns that the flats adjacent to the petrol filling station and car wash were to be above the garages and would be open to disturbance. He was advised that the issue had been picked up in the noise report submitted by the applicants; the design had been tested for a satisfactory living environment and the building type had been altered for these plots with the omission of rear windows facing the filling station.


The Chair moved and the Vice-Chair seconded that the Planning Technical Manager be authorised to grant reserved matters approval subject to the conditions contained in the late material.


RESOLVED that, providing application ref. 18/00685/FUL is granted planning permission, the Planning Technical Manager be authorised to grant reserved matters approval subject to the following conditions;

Condition 1

The development shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans;


Masterplan A-90-001 Rev. P received by the Local Planning Authority on 1st October 2018


Proposed floor plans Blocks 1 & 17 A-00-001 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2017

Proposed elevations Blocks 1 & 17 A-01-001 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 2  A-00-002 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 2 A-01-002 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 3 A-00-003 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 3 A-01-003 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 4 A-00-004 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 4 A-01-004 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 5 sheet 01 A-00-005 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed floor plans Block 5 sheet 02 A-00-006 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 5 A-01-005 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Blocks 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11 A-00-007 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed elevations Block 6 A-01-006 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed elevations Block 7 A-01-007 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed elevations Block 8 A-01-008 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed elevations Block 9 A-01-009 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed elevations Block 10 A-01-010 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed elevations Block 11 A-01-011 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 12 A-00-008 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed floor plans Block 12 A-00-009 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 12 A-01-012 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Blocks 13 & 14 A-00-010 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 13 A-01-013 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 14 A-01-014 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 15 A-00-011 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed elevations Block 15 A-01-015 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 16 A-00-012 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 16 A-01-016 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Blocks 18 & 19 A-00-013 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 18 A-01-017 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 19 A-01-018 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 20 sheet 01 A-00-014 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed floor plans Block 20 sheet 02 A-00-015 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 20 sheet 01 A-01-019 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 20 sheet 02 A-01-020 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 22 A-00-016 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 22 A-01-021 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed floor plans Block 23 A-00-017 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations Block 23 A-01-022 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed plans House type 867 A-00-020 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations House type 867 A-01-023 Rev. B received by the Local Planning Authority on 13th September 2018

Proposed elevations House type 867 A-01-024 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed plans House type 1343 A-00-021 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2017

Proposed elevations House type 1343 A-01-025 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations House type 1343 A-01-026 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed plans FOG 850 A-00-022 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations FOG850 A-01-027 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Proposed plans FOG 850 (N) A-00-023 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations FOG 850 (N) A-01-028 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Proposed elevations FOG 850 (N) A-01-029 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Multiple garages A-00-031 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Plans/sections – Typical cycle/bin store A-00-032 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Elevations Typical cycle/bin store A-01-030 Rev. B received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Plans/sections – Substation A-00-033 received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018

Elevations Substation A-01-031 Rev. A received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Canal access ramp 2627/5704 Rev. P3 received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Canal access ramp A-02-107 received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


Landscaping general arrangement 2627/5000 Rev. P5 received by the Local Planning Authority on 27th September 2018

Landscape Proposals sheet 1 of 6 2627/5001 Rev. P5 received by the Local Planning Authority on 27th September 2018

Landscape proposals sheet 2 of 6 2627/5002 Rev. P5 received by the Local Planning Authority on 27th September 2018

Landscape proposals sheet 3 of 6 2627/5003 Rev. P7 received by the Local Planning Authority on 27th September 2018

Landscape proposals sheet 4 of 6 2627/5004 Rev. P5 received by the Local Planning Authority on 27th September 2018

Landscape proposals sheet 5 of 6 2627/5005 Rev. P6 received by the Local Planning Authority on 27th September 2018

Landscape proposals sheet 6 of 6 2627/5006 Rev. P7 received by the Local Planning Authority on 27th September 2018


Illustrative play equipment & street furniture palette 2627-5-2-5703 Rev. P3 received by the Local Planning Authority on 17th August 2018


except where otherwise required by conditions of this approval or of the outline permission.



To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the approved plans.

Condition 2

No retaining walls shall be constructed until details of the facing material to the wall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Construction shall take place only in accordance with the approved details.



In the interests of securing a high quality finish to the development and the visual amenities of the area.

Condition 3

The noise mitigation measures identified in the Ltd ‘Noise Risk Assessment & Acoustic Design Statement’ ref. 18185-1 prepared 19th April 2018 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 6th June 2018) (section 10.2.5 onwards) shall be implemented in full. No unit for which that Statement identifies mitigation measures as being necessary shall be occupied until the specified measures have been installed in full for that property.



To ensure a suitable standard of living accommodation for future residents.

Condition 4

A Construction Phasing Plan shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction of any dwellings.


For each phase a Noise Testing Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of construction of any dwellings within that phase that identifies a minimum of 15 % of the dwellings within that phase with a façade onto St Ann Way and Hempsted Lane that shall be subject to noise testing. 


Within each phase, no dwelling subject to this reserved matter approval shall be occupied until the results of noise testing, which has been undertaken by a professional and competent contractor, have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The noise testing shall be carried out within the lounge and bedrooms of the dwellings identified within the Noise Testing Plan for that phase to establish whether the noise criteria as specified via condition 3 have been met through approved mitigation measures.


If the results are not satisfactory, a revised approach shall be provided to meet the requirements in condition 3 for the Local Planning Authority's approval and the revised approach shall be implemented in full prior to the occupation of a dwelling within that phase.



The purpose of the post completion testing is to establish compliance with the internal standards of BS8233 2014, as outlined within the submitted report to protect the residential amenities of the future occupiers of the properties.


Condition 5

The first floor windows in the rear/south facing elevations of each of the units on plots 371, 372, 386 and 387 (as set out on the Masterplan ref. A-90-001 M), shall be constructed so that no part of the framework less than 1.7m above finished floor level within that room shall be openable.  Any part below that level shall be constructed with, and retained in, an opaque material or obscure glazing.



In order to protect the residential amenity of adjacent properties.

Condition 6

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking, re-enacting or modifying that Order), no extensions or any outbuildings or enclosures shall be erected within the curtilage of the dwellings shown on plots 371, 372, 386 and 387 (as set out on the Masterplan ref. A-90-001 M).



In order to protect the residential amenity of the occupiers of adjacent properties.

Condition 7

Notwithstanding the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 (or any order revoking, re-enacting or modifying that Order), no windows or other openings shall be constructed above ground floor in the rear/south facing elevations of the dwellings shown on plots 371, 372, 386 and 387 (as set out on the Masterplan ref. A-90-001 M).



In order to protect the residential amenity of the occupiers of adjacent properties.

Condition 8

The gardens of Plots 371 to 388 (as set out on the Masterplan ref. A-90-001 M) shall be tapered down (broadly in accordance with cross sections through the southern part of the site shown on plan ref.s  A-02-100 Rev. C (Section A) and A-02-101 Rev. B (Section A)) to meet flush with the existing ground levels of the immediately adjacent land to south, at the shared boundary.



As confirmed by the applicant in the interests of protecting the amenities of residents of neighbouring properties.

Condition 9

No building shall be occupied until a SuDS maintenance plan for all SuDS/attenuation features and associated pipework has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved SuDS maintenance plan shall be implemented in full in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions and shall operate for the lifetime of the development.



To ensure that the development is provided with a satisfactory means of drainage as well as to reduce the risk of creating or exacerbating a flooding problem and to minimise the risk of pollution.


Condition 10

The approved landscaping proposals shall be carried out concurrently with the development of this phase and shall be completed no later than the first planting season following the completion of the development of this phase. The planting shall be maintained for a period of 5 years. During this time any trees, shrubs or other plants which are removed, die, or are seriously damaged shall be replaced during the next planting season with others of similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent to any variation. If any plants fail more than once they shall continue to be replaced on an annual basis until the end of the 5 year maintenance period.



To ensure a satisfactory and well-planned development and to preserve and enhance the quality of the environment.

Condition 11

Buildings shall be constructed with window reveals to the following corresponding depths;

Where brickwork surrounds a window; 100mm

Where render surrounds a window; 120mm

Where timber surrounds a window; 150mm



To secure the quality of development confirmed by the applicant in the interests of good design and the visual amenities of the locality.

Condition 12

No dwelling shall be occupied until a method of preventing unauthorised vehicular use of the access ramp and waterside (between Blocks 3 and 8, and north of Block 14) has been implemented in accordance with details to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.



To prevent a detrimental impact on the appearance of the waterway corridor from the erection of poorly designed barrier and boundary treatments and to protect users of the towpath and the integrity of the canal infrastructure and in the interests of highway safety.


The Environmental Impact Assessment information has been taken into consideration in this decision.



The applicant is advised to contact the owners or management company for the adjacent land to the south in the interests of dealing with the section of left-over land in between the sites as there is the prospect for this to become neglected and a nuisance to residents. Further planning applications may be necessary to authorise the use of this land, and this may be affected by the planning considerations involved in determining this application.


Similarly the applicant is advised to contact the Highway Authority in the interests of dealing with the section of left over land at the south west edge of the site (opposite the southern edge of the elongated roundabout). Again further planning applications may be necessary to authorise works to or use of this land.



The applicant is advised to discuss with the Canal & River Trust the provision of safety measures at the canalside to deal with persons entering the water.



The applicant is encouraged to liaise with the Canal & River Trust to provide for the electrical connection to the moorings, which could provide for alternative power and heating options for boat users. The applicant is also encouraged to make future residents aware of the presence of the boat moorings.



Supporting documents: