Agenda item

University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Lane - 18/00644/REM

Application for determination:-


Application for reserved matters approval for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of hard surfaced path across Plock Court field between new sports facilities and the allotments track, new gate works to allotments track, installation of lighting alongside paths and associated works at the University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Lane.


The Principal Planning Officer presented the report which detailed an application for reserved matters approval for the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the hard surfaced path across Plock Court field between the new sports facilities and the allotments track, new gate works to the allotment track, installation of lighting alongside paths and associated works at the University of Gloucestershire, Oxstalls Lane.


He drew Members’ attention to the late material which contained an update on ecology and highway issues together with a revised Officer recommendation.


Mrs Julia Hurrell of Estcourt Park Allotment Association addressed the Committee to bring attention to the Association’s concerns.


The Chair questioned the proposed hours of operation of the lights in Condition 3 and whether the lights should be kept off until later in the subsequent day.


The Chair also questioned the proposed hours of working in Condition 2 and was advised that this was a standard condition and that if there was no intention to work on Saturdays that would be acceptable.


A Member questioned the possibility of using a speed restriction or traffic calming along the allotments lane. She was advised that the Council could consider such measures in its role as landowner and the Officer undertook to advise the City Improvement and Environment Team of the matter.


Another Member was advised that there was no set standard distance between lighting columns in planning terms but regard was given to the level of luminescence.


A Member asked if there could be a mix of the proposed column mounted lighting and lower level lighting. The Officer undertook to pass on these concerns to the University.


The Vice-Chair noted that there were alternative routes available for students’ use after dark.


The Chair requested that condition 3 be amended to ensure the lighting was kept off until 10.00 am rather than 8.00 am.


The Chair moved and the Vice-Chair seconded that the application be determined in accordance with the revised officer recommendation in the late material subject to the amendment of revised Condition 3.


RESOLVED that subject to there being no new material planning considerations that have not already been considered raised in representations received prior to 9th November 2018, then reserved matters approval is grantedsubject to the following conditions;


Condition 1


The development shall be undertaken in accordance with the plans referenced


Upgrading of footpath – layout plan C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 161 Rev. P04 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th October 2018)


Upgrading of footpath – layout plan C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 162 Rev. P02 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th October 2018)


Upgrading of footpath – layout plan C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 163 Rev. P02 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th October 2018)


Upgrading of footpath – layout plan C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 164 Rev. P04 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th October 2018)


Upgrading of footpath – layout plan C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 165 P02 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th October 2018)


Upgrading of footpath – layout plan C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 166 P02 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th October 2018)


Upgrading of footpath – sections C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 304 P3 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 19th October 2018)


Proposed pedestrian gate C0076 COL AN 00 DR A 139 Rev. P02 (received by the Local Planning Authority on 18th October 2018) 


except where otherwise required by conditions of this approval.




To ensure the works are carried out in accordance with the approved plans.


Amended Condition 2


Construction works and the delivery of materials shall be limited to the periods of 0800 hours to 1800 hours Monday to Friday, 0800 hours to 1300 hours on Saturdays and no construction work or deliveries shall take place on Sundays or Bank Holidays.




To protect the amenities of the area.


Amended Condition 3


Prior to any lighting fixtures proposed between the gate situated at the boundary of Plock Court and Estcourt Road (i.e. along the allotments track) coming into use, rear cowls shall be installed on all these lighting fixtures in accordance with details which shall first be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority to reduce light spill and prevent disturbance to foraging/commuting bats and other wildlife. Furthermore at all times these lighting fixtures shall be controlled via timers that ensure they are switched off 2 hours after sunset (or at 2300 hours whichever is the earlier) until 10.00 hours the subsequent day during the months May to August (inclusively) and switched off at 2300 hours until 10.00 hours the subsequent day during the months September to April (inclusively).




To safeguard biodiversity along the allotments track bat foraging/commuting area and preserve the amenities of the area.



It is requested that the University includes information on the lamp columns in

respect of the maintenance of the lighting system so it is clear that the County

Council is not responsible for its maintenance.


Supporting documents: