Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Quarter 3

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources which considers the Council’s performance against key measures in Quarters 3 of 2019/20.


8.1       The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, Councillor Norman introduced the report. She highlighted that the report tracked the Council’s performance on 17 key indicators for Quarter 3 of 2019/20. She explained that appendix 1 sets out the performance data including comparative information from 2018/19, where available. Moreover, where a target exists, this had been included along with a narrative to explain the data.


8.2      Councillor Norman outlined that performances with an improving trend included the percentage of complaints that progressed to stage 2, number of major planning applications agreed on time, wait time for face to face contact with Customer Services, and footfall at the Museum of Gloucester. Finally, indicators which were declining in the short term include the staff absence rate and recycling collected. She then invited questions from the Committee.


8.2      Councillor Stephens opened the discussion. He stated that the average number of households in B&B accommodation as shown in H24 was disappointing. Councillor Norman responded to say that although there were some positive developments such as the opening of Potters Place, this was an area which needed more work. Furthermore, as the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, she would be happy to look at the business case for opening more facilities.


8.3    Referring to HR4 (absence rates), Councillor Wilson queried to what extent working from home would be possible for staff in the event that the organisation was affected by Coronavirus. Councillor Norman explained that working from home was something which was already used by Council Officers, and thus self-isolation whilst working from home would be possible. The Head of Policy and Resources added that all members of staff working at Shire Hall had laptops, and thus would be able to work from home. The situation with the outstations and other areas of the Council would require more thought.


8.4     Councillor Wilson further questioned whether there were any members of staff on zero-hour contracts, and if so, what steps, if any, would be taken to ensure that they would be remunerated. The Head of Policy and Resources replied to say that there were some members of staff who were on zero-hour contracts. Councillor Norman stated that an option would be for these members of staff to receive Statutory Sick Pay if they were affected by coronavirus. However, this would need to be looked at in more detail as the situation evolves.



 8.5    Councillor Wilson questioned why Performance Indicator CDG8 did not have a corresponding graph. Councillor Norman stated that she would clarify this with the Performance and Improvement Officer and come back with a response.


8.6       Councillor Pullen reiterated his concerns about the complaints procedure not being prominent enough on the website, an issue which he had raised in a previous Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting.  Furthermore, he was dissatisfied with the response he had previously received from Cabinet Members and Officers on the issue. Moreover, Councillor Patel questioned whether the complaints procedure was not on the ‘Contact Us’ part of the website like Cheltenham Borough Council. Councillor Norman explained that the concerns surrounding the prominence of the website would be looked at again as part of the Together Gloucester Phase 2 process.


 8.7    RESOLVED: - That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee NOTE the report.

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