Committee details
Purpose of committee
The Cabinet comprises seven councillors including the Leader of the Council who chairs its meetings. It has responsibility for the day-to-day decisions on council functionsand makes recommendations to full Council on the major policy plans and the budget and Council Tax.
There is a Cabinet Member for each of the following Council services:
· Regeneration
· Resources
· Environment
· Housing
· Planning
· Community Engagement
· Culture and Leisure
The Leader of the Council is appointed by full Council at its annual meeting and the Leader appoints the Cabinet.
The Cabinet is held to account by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The Council has a Liberal Democrat minority Administration and Cabinet comprises 7 Liberal Democrat Councillors.
- Councillor Jeremy Hilton (Chair)
- Councillor Declan Wilson (Vice-Chair)
- Councillor Caroline Courtney
- Councillor Sebastian Field
- Councillor Sarah Sawyer
- Councillor Luke Shervey
- Councillor Rebecca Trimnell
Contact information
Support officer: Democratic and Electoral Services.
Postal address:
PO Box 3252
Phone: 01452 396126