Issue - decisions

Joint Core Strategy (JCS) Affordable Housing Partnership Review

12/03/2020 - Joint Core Strategy Affordable Housing Partnership and Selection of Preferred Partners



(1) the existing Affordable Housing Partnership with Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council set up to oversee the delivery of affordable homes across the Strategic Allocation Sites within the Joint Core Strategy area over the JCS Plan Period be continued.


(2) the City Council review the existing list of Preferred Providers of Affordable Housing, inviting current Preferred Providers and other Registered Providers to bid to become a Preferred Provider for a period of up to 5 years from November 2020 across the Strategic Allocation Sites within the Joint Core Strategy Area jointly with Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council


(3) future arrangements to review the list of Preferred Providers be delegated to the Head of Place in consultation with the cabinet member for Planning and Housing Strategy.


(4) authority be delegated to the Head of Place in consultation with the cabinet member for Planning and Housing Strategy to:


a)evaluate and select Preferred Providers for the delivery and/or management of new affordable housing on the Strategic Allocation Sites noting that the selection will be carried out jointly with Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough Councils


b)  agree changes to the Terms of Reference of the partnership and the Memorandum of Understanding between the Councils and the Preferred Providers to take effect from November 2020 and to make any other changes to necessary and


c)  make further operational decisions in relation to the Affordable Housing Partnership including whether or not to allow or invite other Registered Providers (RPs) to become a Preferred Provider during the 5 year period referred to in recommendation (2).