Decision details
Blackfriars Site now occupied by Barbican Car Parks
Decision Maker: Cabinet
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Is Key decision?: Yes
Is subject to call in?: Yes
To seek approval for the intended sale of the
Barbican Development Site
1. Authority be delegated to the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development (in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Economy) to dispose of the freehold interest in that part of the Blackfriars site shown edged red on the plan (but excluding the area hatched) for the best consideration reasonably obtainable (as confirmed by an external specialist valuer) to allow the construction of phase one of the student accommodation.
2. Authority be delegated to the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Economy to decide on the best use of phase two including if appropriate to agree the terms of an option agreement to allow the future disposal of the remainder of the Blackfriars site (shown on the attached plan as the hatched area).
3. Authority be delegated to the Property Manager to agree terms with the developer of Phases I and 2 over the temporary use of the entire site during phase one of the development and the return of undeveloped area so it may be used as a car park by the Council during the term of the option.
4. Authority be delegated to the Property Manager to agree the terms of any ancillary documents the Council Solicitor (following consultation with the Property Manager) considers necessary or desirable to enable the transaction to proceed.
Report author: Atika Tarajiya
Publication date: 08/02/2017
Date of decision: 08/02/2017
Decided at meeting: 08/02/2017 - Cabinet
Effective from: 16/02/2017
Accompanying Documents: