Issue - meetings
Green Travel Plan Update & Staff Business Travel Project
Meeting: 10/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 97)
97 Green Travel Plan Update & Staff Business Travel Project PDF 121 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment updating Members on the positive progress made in respect of The Green Travel Plan (2014 - 2018), and to outline the intention to undertake a Staff Business Travel Project in order to develop a Fleet Options Appraisal Report for future consideration.
1. The contents of the report be noted, and
2. The positive progress in respect of green travel initiatives be endorsed
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment which provided an update on the positive progress made in respect of The Green Travel Plan (2014 -18) and outlined the intention to undertake a Staff Business Travel Project in order to develop a Fleet Options Appraisal Report for future consideration.
Councillor Porter (Cabinet Member for Environment) drew cabinet’s attention to the reductions in costs sine 2010/11 and some of the measures that had been implemented at paragraphs 3.4 and 3.5 of the report.
Councillor Norman referred to the proposals for joint procurement and maintenance and questioned whether there would be any real benefits as the Council only operated a small number of vehicles.
Councillor Porter acknowledged that there would be opportunities to make savings but they would not be large amounts.
1. The contents of the report be noted, and
2. The positive progress in respect of green travel initiatives be endorsed