Issue - meetings
Development of a Green Travel Policy
Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 90)
90 Development of a Green Travel Policy PDF 217 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment proposing the introduction of a Green Travel Policy for the organisation, supported by the introduction of an integrated staff business travel portal and the procurement of a modern and environmentally efficient fleet of vehicles.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment (Councillor Richard Cook) which proposed the introduction of a Green Travel Policy for the organisation, supported by the introduction of an integrated staff business travel portal and the procurement of a modern and environmentally efficient fleet of vehicles.
Councillor Cook highlighted key areas of the report noting that the Independent Remuneration Panel had been asked to consider whether the scheme could be incorporated into the Scheme of Members Allowances 2017/18.
Cabinet Members endorsed the proposals noting the efficiencies and savings that the scheme would generate and placed on record their thanks to officers.
1. The draft Green Travel Policy (contained at Appendix 3), and the procurement of an integrated staff business travel portal and a modern and environmentally efficient fleet of vehicles be approved;
2. The Independent Remuneration Panel be asked to consider incorporating the Green Travel Policy into the Scheme of Members’ Allowances 2017-18.
3. The effectiveness of the policy be reviewed after 12 months of it being in operation.