Issue - meetings

2016-17 Financial Outturn Report

Meeting: 21/06/2017 - Cabinet (Item 14)

14 Financial Outturn 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 399 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources inform Members of the final Council position against agreed budgets for the 2016/17 financial year, including a summary of how the Council has progressed against key savings targets for the year.


Additional documents:




1.      It be noted that:


                i)   The savings achieved in year total £590k

               ii)   The year-end position for the financial year 2016/17 is to increase the Council’s General Fund balance by £20k

              iii)   The General Fund balance has increased from £1.635m to £1.655m at the end of 2016/17.

              iv)   That this change in the General Fund balance is after a transfer to earmarked reserves of £692k

               v)   That the business rates pool has returned a surplus of £329k to the City Council.

2.         The transfers to and from earmarked reserves as below and detailed in section 8 of this report beapproved.




Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources informing Members of the final Council position against agreed budgets for the 2016/17 financial year, including a summary of how the Council had progressed against key savings targets for the year. It also highlighted some key performance indicators.


The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources summarised the key areas of the report highlighting that the Council had been prudent and were in a stable position, thanks to the advice given by Officers.  He added that some failings existed but these would be addressed and the challenges met.  He placed on record his thanks to the Head of Finance and his team for the work they had undertaken and the right action taken.


The Cabinet Member for Environment expressed his thanks to the Environment team following the successful introduction of the new Recycling Service.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that the Guildhall and the Museums continued to endeavour to make savings.


The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods commented that Shopmobility had not been in a position to meet savings.  It was disappointing the Service was unable to relocate as proposed but this was not financially feasible.  She thanked Cabinet Members for supporting the Service.


The Leader of the Council placed on record his thanks to Officers during these difficult climates.



1.            It be noted that:

               i)           The savings achieved in year total £590k

              ii)           The year-end position for the financial year 2016/17 is to increase the Council’s General Fund balance by £20k

             iii)           The General Fund balance has increased from £1.635m to £1.655m at the end of 2016/17.

             iv)           That this change in the General Fund balance is after a transfer to earmarked reserves of £692k

              v)           That the business rates pool has returned a surplus of £329k to the City Council.


2.            The transfers to and from earmarked reserves as below and detailed in section 8 of this report be APPROVED