Issue - meetings

Shopfront, Shutters and Signage Guidance

Meeting: 12/10/2016 - Cabinet (Item 36)

36 Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage - Design Guidelines for Gloucester for Consultation pdf icon PDF 184 KB

To consider report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning which seeks agreement for The Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage – Design Guidelines for Gloucester to be subject to a 6 week period of public consultation prior to recommendation of adoption as a Supplementary Planning Document in early 2017.


Additional documents:


That the Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage – Design Guidelines for Gloucester, be approved for a 6 week period of public consultation.


Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning seeking approval of the draft design guidelines for Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage for a period of public consultation.


Councillor Norman (Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning) endorsed the report and stated that it would be welcomed by local businesses and would help improve the aesthetic of the City. He requested that the consultation document be simple and easy to understand. The Head of Planning confirmed that a summary guidance leaflet would be sent out.


The Chair noted that the updated Design Guidelines struck an appropriate balance between conservation and advice for local businesses.




(1)        That the Shopfronts, Shutters and Signage – Design Guidelines for Gloucester, be approved for a 6 week period of public consultation.