Issue - meetings
Growing Gloucester's Visitor Economy Action Plan Annual Update 2016
Meeting: 08/02/2017 - Cabinet (Item 76)
76 Growing Gloucester's Visitor Economy Action Plan Annual Update 2016 PDF 157 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure updating Members on the progress that has been made in achieving the Growing Gloucester’s Visitor Economy Action Plan during 2016.
Additional documents:
- Growing Gloucester Visitor Economy (Appendix 1), item 76
PDF 421 KB
- Growing Gloucester's Visitor Economy - (Appendix 2), item 76
The achievements made in delivering the Growing
Gloucester’s Visitor Economy Action Plan be noted;
2. The activities planned by various partners be recognised as contributing to the ‘Growing Gloucester Visitor Economy’ aims and objectives;
3. The Action Plan be further reviewed and updated on an annual basis, to reflect the actions achieved and to identify and agree future actions.
The Chair agreed to revise the order of the agenda to allow agenda item 11 to be discussed as the final item of the meeting.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure (Councillor Lise Noakes) which updated Members on the progress that has been made in achieving the Growing Gloucester’s Visitor Economy Action Plan during 2016.
Councillor Noakes highlighted key areas of the report noting that the City’s Visitor Economy had grown significantly in recent years. She advised that since adoption of the policy in 2014, the new Cultural Strategy had been developed and adopted and the Gloucester Culture Board had been appointed, with the new director due to take up position on the 14th March 2017. She commented that significant officer resource from the Culture and Leisure Portfolio had been diverted to the Together Gloucester project which had resulted in some areas not performing as highly as others. She expressed hope that the City’s Great Place Scheme bid was successful as this would represent significant investment into the City’s Cultural offer
Councillor Watkins welcomed the report noting that it demonstrated the journey of improvements the City had undertaken. She welcomed the inclusion and participation of community group in developing the cultural offer and hoped this would continue.
Cabinet Members supported the proposals, commenting that the visitor economy was a key economic driver which supported the local economy.
The achievements made in delivering the Growing
Gloucester’s Visitor Economy Action Plan be noted;
2. The activities planned by various partners be recognised as contributing to the ‘Growing Gloucester Visitor Economy’ aims and objectives;
3. The Action Plan be further reviewed and updated on an annual basis, to reflect the actions achieved and to identify and agree future actions.