Issue - meetings
Final phase of public realm works within Gloucester Docks
Meeting: 11/01/2017 - Cabinet (Item 61)
61 Final phase of public realm works within Gloucester Docks PDF 102 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy seeking approval for the intended spend by the Council on the final outstanding phase of the public realm works within Gloucester Docks to a maximum of £600k.
Additional documents:
- Final phase of public realm works Gloucester Docks Report (Appendix 1), item 61 PDF 113 KB
- Final phase of public realm works Gloucester Docks Report (Appendix 2), item 61 PDF 24 KB
That the City Council commit a maximum spend of £600k to the completion of the final public realm phase of Gloucester Docks.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy which sought approval for the intended spend by the Council on the final outstanding phase of the public realm works within Gloucester Docks to a maximum of £600k.
Councillor James summarised key areas of the report indicating that the Council was required to complete the works as part of an agreement with the South West Regional Development Agency when the assets were transferred and to create a setting that would ensure the successful regeneration of the site. Councillor James referring to paragraph 3.7 of the report explained that the City Council would enter into contract with Ladybellgate Estates or any associated companies as required.
Cabinet Members expressed support for the proposals noting that the works would be fully funded through the capital receipts generated from the sale of the Commercial Road properties.
That the City Council commit a maximum spend of £600k to the completion of the final public realm phase of Gloucester Docks.