Issue - meetings
City Centre Action Plan- Annual Update
Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 86)
86 City Centre Action Plan -Annual Review PDF 151 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy providing Members with an annual update of progress with delivery of the City Centre Action Plan.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy which provided Members with an annual update of progress with delivery of the City Centre Action Plan.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods (Councillor Watkins) explained that careful management was required to strengthen the attractiveness and viability of the City Centre, particularly in light of recent trends within retail and the growing presence of online shopping. She reported that the City Centre Action Plan would be refreshed maximising the impact of the Together Gloucester organisational redesign and become aligned with proposals for the Gloucester Business Improvement District (BID) if approved by the Council following the results of the ballot in June 2017. She welcomed the progress made as a result of the Street Aware Policy and the work undertaken by the Gloucester Street Aware partnership.
Councillor Noakes expressed support for the proposals noting a minor typographical error on page 31 of the report, commenting that it was the 2017 Annual Gloucester Visitor Guide due for publication. She reported that the timetable for publication was being reconsidered to ensure that it coincided with the tourism season.
RESOLVED: That progress with delivery of the City Centre Action Plan as set out in the report, be noted.