Issue - meetings
Car Parking Charging Review
Meeting: 08/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 88)
88 Car Parking Charging Review PDF 197 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Economy considering the introduction of a zoning policy, for the car parking tariff, to enable better use of the City’s off street car parking.
Additional documents:
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Members for Regeneration and Economy which sought approval for introduction of a zoning policy, for the car parking tariff, to enable better use of the City’s off street car parking.
Councillor Watkins summarised key areas of the report, commenting that the Council had not proposed a change in car parking tariffs since 2012, when a reduction in charges had been implemented. She explained that the additional income generated would be utilised in delivering continual improvements to city centre car parks. She commented that the revised tariffs continued to demonstrate excellent value for money and remained a cheaper option than on street parking and many private car parks within the City.
Cabinet Members supported the proposals noting that in particular objections had been raised on social media to the change Southgate Moorings’ tariffs. They commented that the increases were reasonable when considering the available alternatives and the introduction of the zoning policy would provide financial incentives to individuals willing to travel further distances.
1. A zoning system of parking charges be introduced for the city centre off street car parks
2. Charges for parking all day remain unchanged for all car parks excluding Great Western Road which will be increased by 20p on all its tariffs.
3. No increase in the tariff for GL1 which will remain at £4 for up to 2.5 hours (maximum stay)
4. The increases as laid out in the report be applied to the off street car parks:
5. An evening charge of £1.50 be introduced for Southgate Moorings
6. £30,000 of any increase in revenue be allocated for a car parks improvement fund
7. Authority be delegated to the Head of Regeneration & Economic Development, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Economy, to undertake the appropriate and necessary procedures to amend the current car parking order(s)
8. A further review be undertaken by the Head of Regeneration and Economic Development considering the impact of the changes made.