Issue - meetings
Kings Quarter Development Progress Update
Meeting: 08/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 57)
57 Kings Quarter Development Progress PDF 98 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy noting the progress made for the new Kings Quarter regeneration proposals and the procurement of a hybrid planning application.
RESOLVED IT IS NOTED the progress made with the Kings Quarter regeneration and, in particular that:
1. LDA Design and Jones Lang LaSalle have finalised the Business Plan and Development Brief which have been published in accordance with the report to Cabinet of 13th September 2017.
2. The procurement of the planning team and architects for the Kings Quarter regeneration is underway and expressions of interest have been received via the County Council’s framework agreement for professional practices.
3. The main contract for the construction of the new bus station has been awarded to Kier Construction Limited, the successful tenderer, within the overall budget agreed by Cabinet and Council. The new road system in front of the Land Registry building opened on 15th October at which time Kier works commenced on site.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy that noted the progress made for the new Kings Quarter regeneration proposals and the procurement of a hybrid planning application.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning commented on the good progress of regeneration across the city and its importance in bringing people to Gloucester.
RESOLVED IT IS NOTED the progress made with the Kings Quarter regeneration and, in particular that:
1. LDA Design and Jones Lang LaSalle have finalised the Business Plan and Development Brief which have been published in accordance with the report to Cabinet of 13th September 2017.
2. The procurement of the planning team and architects for the Kings Quarter regeneration is underway and expressions of interest have been received via the County Council’s framework agreement for professional practices.
3. The main contract for the construction of the new bus station has been awarded to Kier Construction Limited, the successful tenderer, within the overall budget agreed by Cabinet and Council. The new road system in front of the Land Registry building opened on 15th October at which time Kier works commenced on site.