Issue - meetings
Gloucester Day 2018 and Aethelflaed Celebrations
Meeting: 19/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 25)
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure presenting proposals receiving from Marketing Gloucester Ltd (MGL) for events and activities to mark the 375th Anniversary of the siege of Gloucester and the 1100th Anniversary of the death of Aethelflaed, Lady of Mercia in 2018, which would form part of the 2018 City Events programme.
Additional documents:
(1) That the proposals received from Marketing Gloucester Limited for events and activities to mark the two anniversaries in 2018 are welcomed and endorsed.
(2) That Gloucester Culture Trust be invited to consider what they could add to the proposals as part of a wider consideration of how the events could fit within a broader programme of activity in 2018 which would optimise the availability of Great Place funding, deliver key cultural strategy objectives and make a significant contribution towards Gloucester’s ambition to be City of Culture in 2025.
(3) To work with a 2018 Anniversary Steering Group comprising representatives from Gloucester Culture Trust, Marketing Gloucester Ltd, the History Festival, the Heritage Forum, the Civic Trust and the City Council to coordinate activity to celebrate the anniversaries.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure which presented proposals by Marketing Gloucester Ltd for events and activities to mark the 375th anniversary of the Siege of Gloucester and the 1100th anniversary of the death of Aethelflaed.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure noted that 2018 would also mark the centenary of the end of the First World War the introduction of votes for women and bicentenary of the birth of Karl Marx. She welcomed the proposal for a steering group as detailed in paragraph3.8.4 of the report. She believed that the proposed events had the potential to help make Gloucester a credible candidate for the City of Culture 2025.
The Cabinet Member for Environment believed that festivals and events brought visitors to the City.
The Deputy Leader of the Council believed that every year was a special year for Gloucester and the Council was able to bring people together to do great things. She believed that Gloucester was an ambitious city and should apply to become the City of Culture 2025.
(1) that the proposals received from Marketing Gloucester Limited for events and activities to mark the two anniversaries in 2018 are welcomed and endorsed.
(2) that Gloucester Culture Trust be invited to consider what they could add to the proposals as part of a wider consideration of how the events could fit within a broader programme of activity in 2018 which would optimise the availability of Great Place funding, deliver key cultural strategy objectives and make a significant contribution towards Gloucester’s ambition to be City of Culture in 2025.
(3) to work with a 2018 Anniversary Steering Group comprising representatives from Gloucester Culture Trust, Marketing Gloucester Ltd, the History Festival, the Heritage Forum, the Civic Trust and the City Council to coordinate activity to celebrate the anniversaries.