Issue - meetings

Great Places Scheme

Meeting: 19/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 26)

26 Gloucester Culture Board Update & Gloucester Great Place Programme pdf icon PDF 288 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure which provides a general update on the work of the Gloucester Culture Board and the establishment of the Gloucester Culture Trust.



RESOLVED that the report be welcomed and noted.




Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure which provided Members with an update on the work of the Gloucester Culture Board, the establishment of Gloucester Culture Trust and the successful Great Place funding bid.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure advised that the interviews for the remaining places on the Gloucester Culture Board had taken place earlier in the day. She believed that the Board had an incredibly strong membership and had been fortunate in appointing Hollie Smith-Charles as Director.


She advised that Hollie Smith-Charles was the Project Manager for the Great Place scheme and leading a team of seven strand leads working on inter-dependent work streams.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning believed that this was a huge project made possible by partnerships and an example of how great things could happen when people with great ideas were brought together under the right leadership,



RESOLVED that the report be welcomed and noted.