Issue - meetings
Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy Delivery Update
Meeting: 08/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 55)
55 Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy – Progress Update PDF 202 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for the Environment providing Members with an update on progress made in the delivery of the Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy since its adoption by Council in January 2016.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - PPS Interim Review - 2017 10 31, item 55
PDF 238 KB
- Appendix 2 - PPS Action Plan Update - 2017 10 31, item 55
PDF 337 KB
1. RESOLVED IT IS NOTED that the progress made in delivering the Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2); and
2. RESOLVED that the recommendations made in the Interim Review (Appendix 1 and paragraph 3.8) be approved.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for the Environment that provided Members with an update on progress made in the delivery of the Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy since its adoption by Council in January 2016.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods commented on the positive impact progress has had on other projects around the city such as at Blackbridge, Podsmead. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources drew Members’ attention to the identification of the City Council’s approach as `best practice’ by Sport England and its adoption by the Football Association in developing a national case study (paragraph 3.5j) and commented that the City Council should be confident in sharing its good work. The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning expressed pleasure in the local sporting community having more opportunity to compete and the positive implications for the health of the wider community. The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy especially welcomed developments at Plock Court and the University of Gloucestershire.
1. RESOLVED IT IS NOTED that the progress made in delivering the Gloucester Playing Pitch Strategy (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2); and
2. RESOLVED that the recommendations made in the Interim Review (Appendix 1 and paragraph 3.8) be approved.