Issue - meetings
City Centre Investment Fund Allocations and Update
Meeting: 08/11/2017 - Cabinet (Item 56)
56 City Centre Investment Fund Allocations and Update PDF 486 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy updating Members on the projects within the City Centre Investment Fund (CCIF) delivery programme.
1. The Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Economy, reallocate resources, totalling £24,000 between the Lighting and Building Improvement Budget to deliver the necessary outputs within the gross budget envelope, to enable funding towards the Digital High Street initiative, and;
2. The Head of Place, in consultation with the Head of Finance, further reallocate resources, totalling £17,000 between the Lighting and Building Improvement Budget to put Marketing Gloucester in funds to prepare and submit a Local Full Fibre Network application, and;
3. Progress on the delivery of the City Centre Investment Fund be noted
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy that updated Members on the projects within the City Centre Investment Fund (CCIF) delivery programme.
The Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning commended the report and commented on the importance of issues such as lighting in making people feel safe and comfortable in the city centre. He drew Members’ attention to Gloucester’s high ranking in the UK Digital Influence Index (paragraphs 10.4 i-ii).
1. The Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regeneration & Economy, reallocate resources, totalling £24,000 between the Lighting and Building Improvement Budget to deliver the necessary outputs within the gross budget envelope, to enable funding towards the Digital High Street initiative, and;
2. The Head of Place, in consultation with the Head of Finance, further reallocate resources, totalling £17,000 between the Lighting and Building Improvement Budget to put Marketing Gloucester in funds to prepare and submit a Local Full Fibre Network application, and;
3. Progress on the delivery of the City Centre Investment Fund be noted