Issue - meetings
The Kings Quarter Business Plan
Meeting: 13/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 39)
39 Regeneration at Kings Quarter PDF 105 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy noting the progress made for the new Kings Quarter regeneration project and to consider the procurement of a hybrid planning application.
PLEASE NOTE: Appendix 3 contains exempt material as defined in paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). If Members wish to discuss material contained within Appendix 3 it will be necessary to notify the Chair to enable a resolution to be passed to exclude the press and public.
Additional documents:
- KQ Appendix 1, item 39 PDF 2 MB
- KQ Appendix 2, item 39 PDF 10 MB
- KQ Business Plan - Exempt Version Appendix 3 , View reasons restricted (39/4)
1. That the progress made with the Kings Quarter regeneration be noted and, in particular, that:
· LDA Design and Jones Lang LaSalle have produced a first edition of a Business Plan in accordance with the report to Cabinet of 21st June 2017.
· These Consultants have also prepared a Development Brief as a prelude to a planning application for Kings Quarter which is on target to be submitted in early Summer 2018.
2. That the Business Plan be approved in principle subject to ongoing consultation and that the procurement of the necessary planning team and associated enabling works be competitively tendered as soon as possible.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy that noted progress made for the new Kings Quarter regeneration project and presented plans for the procurement of a hybrid planning application.
The Leader of the Council highlighted key elements of the report. He outlined the stages in procuring the planning team and timeline with the projected completion date of Spring 2019. He drew Members’ attention to considerations in the Business Plan particularly the shift away from being a purely retail scheme and the desire to keep Kings Square as an open space. He commented that the block approach gave flexibility and kept control in-house rather than relying on others.
Cabinet endorsed the report and commented that although the delays had been frustrating, the scheme was now stronger as a result. They expressed pleasure that the implications around a lack of accommodation had been recognised and welcomed resident participation going forward.
The Leader of the Council expressed thanks to the whole team that worked on the scheme. He commented that the Regeneration Advisory Board had given broad support and that establishing proper links between Kings Quarter and Kings Walk has been considered very seriously.
The Head of Place acknowledged that retail had changed so the scheme would now develop to become mixed use, drawing people in and maximising the existing attractions of the City
1. That the progress made with the Kings Quarter regeneration be noted and, in particular, that:
· LDA Design and Jones Lang LaSalle have produced a first edition of a Business Plan in accordance with the report to Cabinet of 21st June 2017.
· These Consultants have also prepared a Development Brief as a prelude to a planning application for Kings Quarter which is on target to be submitted in early Summer 2018.
2. That the Business Plan be approved in principle subject to ongoing consultation and that the procurement of the necessary planning team and associated enabling works be competitively tendered as soon as possible.