Issue - meetings
Extension of Forest of Dean (FOD) Civica Contract
Meeting: 13/09/2017 - Cabinet (Item 36)
36 Extension of Forest of Dean S101 Civica Revenues & Benefits Contract Extension PDF 76 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Policy and Resources proposing the offer of extensions to the existing Revenues and Benefits S101 partnership agreement with Forest of Dean District Council in conjunction with the Civica Revenues and Benefits managed services contract with Gloucester City Council.
RESOLVED that the offer of three 1 (one) year extension to the Forest of Dean District Council S101 agreement for Revenues and Benefits services in order to secure the continued quality of service and enable the Forest of Dean to negotiate potential savings as part of this contract be approved.
Cabinet considered the report of the Member for Performance and Resources that sought endorsement of proposals to offer up to three extensions (up to one year) to the existing Revenues and Benefits S101 partnership agreement with Forest of Dean District Council in conjunction with the Civica Revenues and Benefits managed services contract with Gloucester City Council.
The offer of three 1 (one) year extension to the Forest of Dean District Council S101 agreement for Revenues and Benefits services in order to secure the continued quality of service and enable the Forest of Dean to negotiate potential savings as part of this contract be approved.