Issue - meetings

Culture Vision and Strategy 2016-26 Progress Report, Culture Trust Annual Report

Meeting: 11/09/2019 - Cabinet (Item 35)

35 Culture Vision and Strategy 2016-2026 Progress Report, Gloucester Culture Trust Annual Report to Council pdf icon PDF 275 KB

To consider the report of the Corporate Director and Gloucester Culture Trust Director presenting a progress report on delivery of the City’s Cultural Vision and Strategy 2016-2026 and an update on delivery of the Great Place Programme. The report also presents the annual activity report of the Gloucester Culture Trust which was established as part of the Cultural Strategy to lead the City’s cultural development.


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RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that:


(1)  the Strategy Update and Annual report be welcomed

(2)  the significant progress made during 2018/19 be noted

(3)  the Trust’s stated priorities to 2022 be endorsed

(4)  the potential significant external funding opportunities opened by having an active, well-regarded, and successful Cultural Trust with a growing track record of delivery be noted.



Cabinet considered the report of the Corporate Director and Gloucester Culture Trust Director that presented a progress report on delivery of the City’s Cultural Vision and Strategy 2016-2026 and an update on delivery of the Great Place Programme. The report also presented the annual activity report of the Gloucester Culture Trust which was established as part of the Cultural Strategy to lead the City’s cultural development and deliver the City’s strategy.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure summarised the report as a great example of partnership working.  He noted the good progress made by the Gloucester Culture Trust in creating employment and engaging with people, especially young people, across the whole city.  He further commented on the commitment demonstrated by the City Council through its own investment that has encouraged external funders.


RESOLVED to RECOMMEND to Council that:


(1)  the Strategy Update and Annual report be welcomed


(2)  the significant progress made during 2018/19 be noted


(3)  the Trust’s stated priorities to 2022 be endorsed


(4)  the potential significant external funding opportunities opened by having an active, well-regarded, and successful Cultural Trust with a growing track record of delivery be noted.