Issue - meetings
2017-18 Year End Performance Report
Meeting: 13/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 12)
12 Year End Performance Monitoring 2017-18 PDF 95 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources informing Members of the Council’s performance against key measures in 2017-18 and setting out the next steps towards implementing a new performance framework.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Year End Performance Report for 2017-18 at Appendix one of the report be noted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that informed Members of the Council’s performance against key measures in 2017-18 and set out the next steps towards implementing a new performance framework.
The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy introduced the report as a work in progress that would be refined over time with quarterly reports to provide the information by which the authority can be judged. He further commented that on this occasion the picture presented was mixed. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods welcomed the report as a useful tool for Cabinet and members and praised the level of the presentation.
RESOLVED that the Year End Performance Report for 2017-18 at Appendix one of the report be noted.
Meeting: 04/06/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 67)
67 2017-18 Year End Performance Report PDF 95 KB
To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources informing Members of the Council’s performance against key measures in 2017-18 and set out the next steps towards implementing a new performance framework.
Additional documents:
- Year End Performance Monitoring 2017-18 (Appendix 1), item 67 PDF 638 KB
- Written responses Re 1718 Performance Report, item 67 PDF 65 KB
67.1 The Chair welcomed Councillor Norman, Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources and the Policy and Governance Manager.
67.2 Councillor Norman stated that this is the first performance report since 2016. He was pleased to note that the Council had invested in a Performance Management System that would enable the Council to provide continuous oversight of performance.
67.3 The Committee were informed that with the new system in place the Corporate Performance would be reported quarterly with an Annual Report at year end. He further commented that the performance report was a work in progress but was hopeful the new system would provide clearer analysis of the Council’s performance.
67.4 Councillor Hilton noted the 12 downward trend areas, stating the Council needs to do better in terms of performance and that the report had 11 areas where the trend is unknown or there was no date available. He queried when the dataset for waiting times on the telephone would be available. He further questioned whether the complaints regarding Amey would increase in the following year.
67.5 Councillor Norman replied the performance report was a step in the right direction however it was a new process of collecting performance data and next year there would be more datasets. In reference to the specific performance questions, the Cabinet Member stated he would pass the questions on to the relevant officers.
67.6 In response from a query from Councillor Haigh regarding the formatting of the report, the Policy and Governance Manager clarified that the symbols are inherent within the system however she would review the formatting options.
67.7 Councillor Pullen shared his view that it would be beneficial to have qualitative data to support the existing data.
67.8 Councillor Hampson agreed and stated that more information is needed to support the datasets, especially in reference to footfall at the TIC and museums.
67.9 Councillor Toleman enquired whether there are any other key performance indicators are being looked at for reception.
67.10 The Spokesperson noted that the increase in staff absence had been contributed to the restructure and questioned what evidence the Council had for this correlation. He enquired if the Cabinet Member had any additional information regarding staff views towards Together Gloucester.
67.11 Councillor Norman responded that he would ask the Human Resources team for more information regarding the reason for staff absences, within the limits of data protection.
RESOLVED: - That the Committee note the Year End Performance Report.