Issue - meetings
Strategic Risk Register
Meeting: 22/07/2019 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 12)
12 Strategic Risk Register Update and Risk Management Action Plan 2019/20 PDF 123 KB
To receive the report of the Head of Audit Risk Assurance concerning the Strategic Risk Register and the Risk Management Action Plan 2019/20.
Additional documents:
- Strategic Risk Register Update and Risk Management Action Plan 201920 (Appendix 1), item 12
PDF 126 KB
- Strategic Risk Register Update and Risk Management Action Plan 201920 (Appendix 2), item 12
12.1 The Committee considered the Strategic Risk Register Update and Risk Management Action Plan. The Group Manager Audit Risk Assurance Shared Service presented the report of the Chief Internal Auditor and reminded Members that the Register represented the situation on 2nd July 2019 (as at one point in time, due to the deadline for Committee papers) and that subsequent changes had already been actioned by senior managers via the Pentana system.
12.2 Councillor Wilson referred to the risk concerning the ability to respond to unexpected events (Appendix 1 SRR9.1) and asked if the current score of amber correctly reflected the urgency of the risk. The Corporate Director confirmed that this was the current assessment since certain actions had been taken to reduce the risk such as improving business continuity measures. He informed Members that the risk would be kept under regular review.
12.3 RESOLVED that the Audit and Governance Committee recommendthat both the Strategic Risk Register and the Risk Management Action Plan 2019/20 be noted and endorsed.