Issue - meetings
Risk Based Verification
Meeting: 05/12/2018 - Cabinet (Item 68)
68 Risk Based Verification PDF 97 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and resources concerning the annual review of the Risk Based Verification Policy in determining evidence requirements for the assessment of new Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support claims.
Please note that Appendix 1 is exempt from disclosure to the press and public by virtue of Paragraph 7 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as amended (information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution of crime.). If Members wish to discuss Appendix 1 the Cabinet will need to resolve to exclude the press and public before doing so.
Additional documents:
- Risk Based Verification (Appendix 1) EXEMPT , View reasons restricted (68/2)
- Risk Based Verification (Appendix 2), item 68 PDF 35 KB
(1) That the reviewed Risk Based Verification Policy for verifying Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support claims be approved.
(2) That the reviewed Risk Based Verification Policy as at December 2018 be approved for immediate implementation.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that sought approval of the annual review of the Risk Based Verification Policy in determining evidence requirements for the assessment of new Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support claims.
(1) That the reviewed Risk Based Verification Policy for verifying Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support claims be approved.
(2) That the reviewed Risk Based Verification Policy as at December 2018 be approved for immediate implementation.