Issue - meetings

Festivals and Events Programme

Meeting: 12/02/2020 - Cabinet (Item 100)

100 Events and Festivals Plan 2020-21 pdf icon PDF 125 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure seeking review of the City Events Programme and delivery model for 2019 and to set out the recommended delivery model and programme for 2020.

Additional documents:




(1)  approval is given to the outline Civic Events Programme for 2020 set out in the table 1 Appendix A of the report to be managed by the City Council Cultural Services team


(2)  approval is given to support key city festivals and events programme 2020 as set out in table 2 Appendix A of the report


(3)  approval is given to allocate a proportion of the budget to create an innovation fund that supports the development of new and emerging events and festivals and talent in the city.



Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure that sought review of the City Events Programme and delivery model for 2019 and set out the recommended delivery model and programme for 2020.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure reminded Members of the discussion of the report at the recent Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting (3 February 2020) and that the report was a high level document to which detail would be added in due course.  He outlined key elements such as an innovation fund (4.8), consideration of environmental impact (7.1-2) and social value (6.1) as well as the proposed increase in budget (11.1).  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure further emphasised the importance of improving coordination and communication so that different events across the city become as cohesive as those of the `Earth to Moon’ season had been in 2019.  To that end he advised Members that a date had been set for the first meeting of the city-wide events group (3.6).


The Cabinet Member for Environment looked forward to the variety of events and festivals proposed in appendix A and reiterated that coordination was essential to be as inclusive of as many groups as possible.  The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources commented that the detailed nature of the Evaluation Framework (Appendix B) was encouraging.  The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods noted that environmental impact was being taken seriously and drew Members’ attention to the funding to be made available for people coming forward with their own events.  She welcomed the opportunity for the range of events to evolve in a positive direction increasing diversity and access for all.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure echoed the importance of empowering communities to hold their own events.  He particularly highlighted the funds set aside to commemorate the 75th anniversaries of VE and VJ Days for which they could bid (5.6).  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy commented that residents had to be encouraged to apply for grants.  He further stressed that cultural events should encompass more than the city centre and were for everyone to participate in.  The Cabinet Member for Environment expressed pleasure that environmental concerns were being addressed with benefits such as the reduction in fumes emitted by heavy vehicles at Gloucester Carnival.




(1)  approval is given to the outline Civic Events Programme for 2020 set out in the table 1 Appendix A of the report to be managed by the City Council Cultural Services team


(2)  approval is given to support key city festivals and events programme 2020 as set out in table 2 Appendix A of the report


(3)  approval is given to allocate a proportion of the budget to create an innovation fund that supports the development of new and emerging events and festivals and talent in the city.