Issue - meetings

Matson and Podsmead Estates Regeneration Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 21/11/2019 - Council (Item 44)

44 Supplementary Planning Documents for Podsmead Estate Regeneration and Matson Estate Regeneration pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To receive the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy seeking approval for the adoption of the Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) for Podsmead Estate Regeneration and Matson Estate Regeneration.

Additional documents:


Meeting: 06/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Supplementary Planning Documents for Podsmead Estate Regeneration and Matson Estate Regeneration pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy providing a summary of comments received during the public consultation of the Matson and Podsmead Estate Regeneration Draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), the changes made to the draft SPDs in response to these comments, and seeking the adoption by Council of the draft SPDs.

Additional documents:




(1)  the Response Report be endorsed


(2)  the proposed changes made as a result of consultation to the SPDs be endorsed


(3)  it be RECOMMENDED to the Council that the SPDs be adopted.



Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy that provided a summary of comments received during the public consultation of the Matson and Podsmead Estate Regeneration Draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs), the changes made to the draft SPDs in response to these comments, and sought the adoption by Council of the draft SPDs.


The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy drew Members’ attention to the public consultation responses (Appendices 1-3), comments from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of 4th November 2019 and the actions taken in consequence. He thanked the Planning Team for the thoroughness of their work and advised Members that this would be the beginning of robust discussions with Gloucester City Homes and a long conversation with the people of Matson and Podsmead to drive regeneration forward.  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy stated that the plans represented a once in a generation opportunity not to be missed.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure emphasised the importance of taking onboard the views and concerns of the communities and people involved. The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy commented that the improvement process would be long and challenging but he believed the SPDs to be a positive step in the right direction.




(1)  the Response Report be endorsed


(2)  the proposed changes made as a result of consultation to the SPDs be endorsed


(3)  it be RECOMMENDED to the Council that the SPDs be adopted.