Issue - meetings

Annual Report on the Grant Funding provided to the Voluntary Community Sector

Meeting: 15/07/2020 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Annual Report on the Grant Funding provided to the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) pdf icon PDF 170 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods seeking tooutline the Council’s financial contributions towards the voluntary and community sector during the year 2019-20.


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RESOLVED that the report is noted, and the same approach be endorsed for the year 2020/21.


Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods that sought to outline the Council’s financial contributions towards the voluntary and community sector during the year 2019-20.


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods advised Members that a lot had been learnt over previous years about streamlining processes and making applications from the sector easier to submit.  She took the opportunity to thank all volunteers not just for what they achieved during the pandemic but for their invaluable contributions all year round.  The Cabinet Member for Environment commented on the impressive range of groups who had benefited, particularly from the Councillor Community Fund and Gloucester Lottery.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure suggested that as the Gloucester Lottery had been running for a number of years, it might benefit from being refreshed.  The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods agreed and advised Members that she had and will discuss with officers how best to promote the lottery to raise money for vital causes.  The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources commended the broad diversity of the grants and the work of the Community Wellbeing Officer.  She reminded Members that even a seemingly small amount of money can make a real impact.  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy noted that the COVID-19 pandemic had demonstrated to many people just how important the VCS is to the city.


RESOLVED that the report is noted, and the same approach be endorsed for the year 2020/21.