Issue - meetings
Community Wellbeing Engagement Update
Meeting: 10/07/2019 - Cabinet (Item 19)
19 Community Wellbeing Engagement Update PDF 134 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods seeking to update Members on the most recent community engagement work within the community wellbeing team.
RESOLVED that the community engagement work undertaken by the Community Wellbeing Team, particularly using Asset Based Community Development and strengths-based working be noted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods that sought to update Members on the most recent community engagement work within the community wellbeing team.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods drew Members’ attention to the important role of the team in building the positive relationships with partners and communities that enable the root of problems to be addressed and effective solutions to be found. She placed this work in the context of the shift to delivering services based on Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) principals empowering communities, an approach which has yielded successes such as the Podsmead Clearance Team social enterprise. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources commented that these could be widely shared as case studies. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods advised Members that other local authorities had already pursued an interest in learning from Gloucester’s model of working and how it will be developed further in the city. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure emphasised the breadth of the improvements generated by such a fundamental shift in approach. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy informed Members of the contrast he observed between the process and enforcement driven approach when he was first elected to the Council that left residents in isolation to deal with multiple agencies and the current nurture of partnerships. He further commented on the wider benefits of the approach such as the implementation of the new noise service leading to neighbours talking to each other for the first time.
RESOLVED that the community engagement work undertaken by the Community Wellbeing Team, particularly using Asset Based Community Development and strengths-based working be noted.