Issue - meetings
Demolition of Wessex House and Intended Land Use
Meeting: 06/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 56)
56 The Demolition of Wessex House and Intended Land Use PDF 106 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy seeking approval to demolish Wessex House and gain Members’ agreement in respect of the future use of the land.
Additional documents:
(1) Wessex House be demolished and,
(2) the site be redeveloped to provide accommodation to assist the Council in discharging its duty to secure accommodation for eligible persons under the Housing Act 1996 or to lever further opportunities to meet this need.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods and Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy that sought approval to demolish Wessex House and gain Members’ agreement in respect of the future use of the land.
The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy introduced the report and placed it in the context of the regeneration of the wider Kings Quarter. The Cabinet Member for Environment stated that it was sensible to save money by demolishing Wessex House concurrently with the demolition of Bentinck House and the Bruton Way Carpark.
(1) Wessex House be demolished and,
(2) the site be redeveloped to provide accommodation to assist the Council in discharging its duty to secure accommodation for eligible persons under the Housing Act 1996 or to lever further opportunities to meet this need.