Issue - meetings

Public Space Protection Orders

Meeting: 15/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 89)

89 Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) Update Report pdf icon PDF 136 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods updating Members following the PSPO report which went to Council in 2018 and to update on how Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) and initiatives to tackle street-based nuisance have been working over the past year.




(1)  ongoing work of PSPOs and Street Aware be endorsed


(2)  proposals contained in this report be endorsed–

a.    That existing PSPOs as mentioned in paragraph 3.2.1 are next reviewed in 2022

b.    That any gating-order type PSPOs are reviewed on a three-yearly basis

c.     That begging continues to be dealt with via the Street Aware partnership initiative rather than be included in a PSPO

d.    That street trading and entertainment be incorporated in to the City Council’s enforcement policy rather than incorporated in to a PSPO which would duplicate existing legislation


(3)  it be endorsed that the Council’s `engage, support, enforce’ approach continues as its primary means of dealing with street based nuisance, with PSPOs used as a supporting tool.



Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods that updated Members following the PSPO report which went to Council in 2018 and how the Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) and initiatives to tackle street-based nuisance have been working over the past year.


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods summarised the background to the report and feedback received since PSPOs were introduced, which had been positive.  She emphasised that the approach was one of engagement and prevention rather than enforcement and that the situation would continue to be carefully monitored.  The Cabinet Member for Environment reminded Members that PSPOs were one of many initiatives to improve the city centre and of the importance of coordination between them.  The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources relayed her experience as former Chair of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee where people concerned at issues such as street drinking had commented that they were seeing a real difference in the wake of such initiatives.




(1)  ongoing work of PSPOs and Street Aware be endorsed


(2)  proposals contained in this report be endorsed–

a.    That existing PSPOs as mentioned in paragraph 3.2.1 are next reviewed in 2022

b.    That any gating-order type PSPOs are reviewed on a three-yearly basis

c.     That begging continues to be dealt with via the Street Aware partnership initiative rather than be included in a PSPO

d.    That street trading and entertainment be incorporated in to the City Council’s enforcement policy rather than incorporated in to a PSPO which would duplicate existing legislation


(3)  it be endorsed that the Council’s `engage, support, enforce’ approach continues as its primary means of dealing with street based nuisance, with PSPOs used as a supporting tool.