Issue - meetings
Local List of Heritage Assets for Gloucester City
Meeting: 06/11/2019 - Cabinet (Item 59)
59 The Creation of a Local List of Heritage Assets for Gloucester City PDF 167 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy seeking approval to prepare, consult upon and adopt a List of Locally Important Heritage Assets (The Local List) – heritage assets and sites that are of local rather than national importance, (such as listed buildings) for the City of Gloucester.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Consultation Responses, item 59
- Appendix 2 Local List Selection Criteria, item 59
PDF 608 KB
- Appendix 3 Terms of Reference for Selection Panel, item 59
- Appendix 4 Nomination Form, item 59
(1) the principle of preparing, consulting and adopting a list of locally important heritage assets for Gloucester City (The ‘Local List’) be approved
(2) the local list selection criteria that has been consulted upon and included in Appendix 2 of the report be used for the identification of such assets, be approved.
(3) a panel of experts be established to use the adopted selection criteria to make recommendations on whether to add buildings, structures or other features to the local list, and to authorise amendments, additions and deletions, as required and terms of reference will be established. The result of the panel meeting will be used as the basis for a draft list to be formally consulted upon and for a Cabinet report to be presented on these findings for formal adoption. See Appendix 3 of the report for terms of reference for selection panel and Appendix 4 for nomination form.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy that sought approval to prepare, consult upon and adopt a List of Locally Important Heritage Assets (The Local List) – heritage assets and sites that are of local rather than national importance, such as listed buildings, for the City of Gloucester.
The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Economy advised Members that the recommendations would enable buildings without statutory protection but requiring protection to be identified then added to the proposed Local List, although only after public consultation and Cabinet approval. He commented that it represented a good opportunity for local people to get involved. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources noted that the impetus had come from residents and that the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods would be pleased with that aspect. She placed this in the context of the shift over the last decade towards a community driven approach in the way the Council operated. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy highlighted that the proposals would address the whole city including the suburbs where sites of regional or national importance might be brought to wider attention.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure drew Members’ attention to some typographical errors in the report (3.7, 6.1). He sought clarification of whether the level of agreement necessary to finalise a decision of nomination would be via unanimous agreement of the Local List Review Board or simple majority (Appendix 3 2c). The Head of Place stated that it would be a decision by majority agreement only.
(1) the principle of preparing, consulting and adopting a list of locally important heritage assets for Gloucester City (The ‘Local List’) be approved
(2) the local list selection criteria that has been consulted upon and included in Appendix 2 of the report be used for the identification of such assets, be approved.
(3) a panel of experts be established to use the adopted selection criteria to make recommendations on whether to add buildings, structures or other features to the local list, and to authorise amendments, additions and deletions, as required and terms of reference will be established. The result of the panel meeting will be used as the basis for a draft list to be formally consulted upon and for a Cabinet report to be presented on these findings for formal adoption. See Appendix 3 of the report for terms of reference for selection panel and Appendix 4 for nomination form.