Issue - meetings
Hucclecote Hay Meadows East Adoption Proposals
Meeting: 15/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 86)
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment updating Members on the current situation relating to the use and ownership of Hucclecote Hay Meadows East and recommending that the City Council accepts ownership of the site contingent on receiving a commuted sum of £124,000 from Bovis Homes.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that subject to confirmation of receipt of a commuted sum of £124,000 and satisfactory deduction of title, the freehold interest in Hucclecote Hay Meadows East be transferred to the City Council. The transfer to be subject to such conditions as the Head of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Council Solicitor consider appropriate.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment that updated Members on the current situation relating to the use and ownership of Hucclecote Hay Meadows East and recommended that the City Council accept ownership of the site contingent on receipt of a commuted sum of £124,000 from Bovis Homes.
The Cabinet Member for Environment outlined the merits of ownership of the site as an area for the whole city to enjoy.
RESOLVED that subject to confirmation of receipt of a commuted sum of £124,000 and satisfactory deduction of title, the freehold interest in Hucclecote Hay Meadows East be transferred to the City Council. The transfer to be subject to such conditions as the Head of Place in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Council Solicitor consider appropriate.