Issue - meetings

Cultural Strategy Update

Meeting: 18/03/2021 - Council (Item 80)

80 Cultural Strategy 5 Year Update pdf icon PDF 369 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure providing an overview of progress made against the Cultural Strategy for the period 2016 2020 and presenting the revised version of Gloucester’s Cultural Vision & Strategy for the period 2021-2026.

Additional documents:


Meeting: 10/03/2021 - Cabinet (Item 106)

106 Cultural Strategy 5 Year Update pdf icon PDF 368 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure providing an overview of progress made against the Cultural Strategy for the period 2016 – 2020 and presenting the revised version of Gloucester’s Cultural Vision & Strategy for the period 2021-2026.



Additional documents:




(1)            the report is accepted and progress against the objectives and actions noted


(2)            the changes to the original strategy are noted


(3)            the updated Cultural Strategy for the next five years is accepted and recommended to Council for adoption.




Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure that provided an overview of progress made against the Cultural Strategy for the period 2016 – 2020 and presented the revised version of Gloucester’s Cultural Vision & Strategy for the period 2021-2026.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure reminded Members of the importance of this key strategy and it being ambitious.  He stated that refreshment was critical to reflect change in areas such as the environment and engaging young people.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure acknowledged the adverse effects of COVID-19 on culture and advised that the revised strategy represented a first step forwards.  He thanked officers, the Head of Cultural Services and Gloucester Culture Trust for their hard work and dedication in laying a sound foundation from which to advance culture for the good of all in Gloucester.  The Cabinet Member for Environment reiterated that it was right for culture to be at the heart of the city and looked forward to its progress over coming years.




(1)           the report is accepted and progress against the objectives and actions noted


(2)           the changes to the original strategy are noted


(3)           the updated Cultural Strategy for the next five years is accepted and recommended to Council for adoption.