Issue - meetings
Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) Policy
Meeting: 11/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 48)
48 Asset Based Community Development Policy PDF 146 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods seeking Members to review and agree the Asset Based Community Development Policy.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Asset Based Community Development Policy be adopted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods that sought Members to review and agree the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Policy.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods placed the policy in the context of the council’s track record of success implementing ABCD practices across its work and the national recognition it has achieved for having done so. She advised Members of the need for the policy document to make the principles of ABCD clear to people joining the organisation, partners and others. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources paid tribute to the Head of Communities, Corporate Director and especially the Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods who had championed the ABCD ethos as inspirational women. She reminded Members that ABCD had achieved much with relatively little financial cost for the city and been particularly effective in helping vulnerable residents during the initial COVID-19 lockdown. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that the ABCD approach was the way to move forward so the council would continue to seek ways of helping communities to help themselves far into the future. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy pointed out that Gloucester had already accomplished a level of success with this approach more popularly associated with much larger metropolitan authorities.
RESOLVED that the Asset Based Community Development Policy be adopted.