Issue - meetings
Performance Monitoring Quarter 1 Report
Meeting: 15/09/2021 - Cabinet (Item 30)
30 Performance Monitoring Quarter 1 - 2021/22 PDF 233 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources informing Members of the Council’s performance against key measures in Quarter 1 of 2021/22.
Additional documents:
RESOLVED that the Quarter 1 Performance Report 2021/22 at Appendix 1 to the report is noted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that informed Members of the Council’s performance against key measures in Quarter 1 of 2021/22.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources summarised both the improving and declining trends revealed in the report and drew Members’ attention to the narratives that provide context to the data. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy stated that it was important to highlight positive performance such as the increasing number of major and minor planning applications decided on time (appendix DM-2, DM-3). He noted that this improvement had been achieved despite COVID-19 and staff shortages and thanked the Planning Team for their achievement. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure advised that the red performance indicator status of the Museum of Gloucester/Tourist Information Centre (appendix CD & VE-1) reflected difficult circumstances out of the control of officers rather than the effort they had put in which would take time to have significant positive impact. He further commented that the very positive increase in visitors to the website (appendix TM-6) demonstrated how the work of officers had got many more people interested in Gloucester and what is going on in the city.
The Cabinet Member for Environment commented that the format of the report, and the Pentana software that generated it, made it relatively quick and easy for Members to monitor their portfolios. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy reiterated the usefulness of Pentana in making both Members and officers more effective.
RESOLVED that the Quarter 1 Performance Report 2021/22 at Appendix 1 to the report is noted.