Issue - meetings
Review of Policy for the Provision of Sandbags to the Public
Meeting: 14/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 18)
18 The Use of Sandbags during Flooding Events PDF 300 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment presenting a review of the current policy on sandbag use, seeking for minor changes to be made and that the Council’s position be established.
Additional documents:
(1) it is confirmed that householders continue to be primarily responsible for the protection of their own property;
(2) it is confirmed that householders at frequent risk from flooding continue to be primarily responsible for being prepared in advance of the onset of flooding;
(3) it is affirmed that the Council’s primary roles in relation to flood management in the city are:
a) source of advice to householders to make appropriate provision for protecting their property in the event of a flooding incident and find alternative methods of protection such as flood barriers and other physical measures;
b) to manage and maintain watercourses within its own ownership;
c) through production of appropriate strategic planning policies and enforcement of planning conditions related to flood management and
d) during and after a flooding incident, to provide support as requested/appropriate by the lead flood agencies (Environment Agency and Gloucestershire County Council) in this area;
(4) the policy statement outlined in Appendix 1 of the report is adopted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment that presented a review of the current policy on sandbag use and sought for minor changes to be made and the Council’s position to be established.
The Cabinet Member for Environment outlined the current role of the Council regarding flooding events. He reminded Members that there had been much investment and successful partnership working over recent years, measures he considered to be of more benefit than distributing sandbags. The Cabinet Member for Environment drew their attention to the limitations of sandbags such as the numbers required, their bulk, and deterioration in storage (3.11). He advised that distribution on a large scale for flash flooding would not be possible.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources commented that it was good for the Council to reconfirm its responsibilities in this matter. She suggested that a briefing to Councillors would be useful given that so many were new to the office following recent elections. The Cabinet Member for Environment agreed that training on what to expect should be provided at a Member Development session but only if deemed appropriate given that local area-specific issues would generate more work for officers.
(1) it is confirmed that householders continue to be primarily responsible for the protection of their own property;
(2) it is confirmed that householders at frequent risk from flooding continue to be primarily responsible for being prepared in advance of the onset of flooding;
(3) it is affirmed that the Council’s primary roles in relation to flood management in the city are:
a) source of advice to householders to make appropriate provision for protecting their property in the event of a flooding incident and find alternative methods of protection such as flood barriers and other physical measures;
b) to manage and maintain watercourses within its own ownership;
c) through production of appropriate strategic planning policies and enforcement of planning conditions related to flood management and
d) during and after a flooding incident, to provide support as requested/appropriate by the lead flood agencies (Environment Agency and Gloucestershire County Council) in this area;
(4) the policy statement outlined in Appendix 1 of the report is adopted.