Issue - meetings
Business Rates
Meeting: 16/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 9)
9 Business Rates - Request for Write-off Approval over £100k PDF 349 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources seeking members to write off a non-domestic rates debt in excess of £100,000.
RESOLVED that the non-domestic rates amount in paragraph 4 of the report is written off.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that sought Members to write off a non-domestic rates debt in excess of £100,000.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources outlined why the proposal was necessary. She reassured Members that there was provision to cover the loss and that should a new avenue to recover the debt arise at any time in the future then it would still be followed despite the write-off. The Cabinet Member for Environment reiterated that the Council does everything possible to recover debts and that write-offs are only considered when all other options had been exhausted. He further confirmed that this action would not prevent the debt being reinstated if beneficial to do so. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy expressed disappointment that the proposal was necessary. He informed Members however that he took comfort from the use of specialist enforcement agents (4.2) as it was his experience that if they could not achieve a successful outcome then no one would.
RESOLVED that the non-domestic rates amount in paragraph 4 of the report is written off.