Issue - meetings
Matter for Reports
Meeting: 06/07/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 13)
13 Land North of Rudloe Drive, Quedgeley, Gloucester - 21/00490/OUT PDF 475 KB
Application for determination: -
Residential development (up to 150 dwellings), associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space and landscaping. Outline application with all matters reserved.
Additional documents:
The Planning Development Manager presented the report detailing an outline application for Residential development (up to 150 dwellings), associated infrastructure, ancillary facilities, open space, and landscaping.
The Highway Development Management Team Leader responded to members’ questions regarding access points, the potential increase to traffic in the area, and the traffic survey conducted as follows:
- Gloucestershire Highways had assessed the application in depth. The modelling work showed that there would be some impact on traffic in the area but that there would not a ‘significant’ impact. Therefore, the impact would not warrant refusal.
- There was not a requirement to introduce traffic lights as part of the scheme.
- The evidence showing that there would not be a significant impact on traffic in the area was robust.
- The original base modelling for the traffic survey was based on 2017 figures. The model used applied growth rates to the traffic to assess future year scenarios.
- Highways authorities could only judge an application on the local context.
The Planning Development Manager responded to members’ questions, regarding why Gloucestershire County Council no longer required educational contributions, comments made in the report by the Urban Design Adviser, access points, the proposed contribution for formal sports facilities, the potential felling of trees, the potential effect on the local centre and the use of the land as follows:
- A similar scheme in Tewkesbury, where Gloucestershire County Council requested education contributions, went to the Planning inspectorate, and the Planning Inspector found that Gloucestershire County Council’s requirement for educational contributions was unsound.
- The application before the Committee was at the outline stage. They could not introduce a condition for an additional access point at this stage.
- There were currently three access points off Rudloe Drive.
- The applicant would have to submit a reserved matters application, should outline planning permission be granted.
- If the contribution of £75,000 for formal sports facilities was viewed as being insufficient, Quedgeley Parish Council could seek a higher contribution.
- The local centre would be protected.
- The scheme provided enough evidence that up to 150 dwellings could be delivered in the amount of space provided.
- The Urban Design Officer had only received an illustrative masterplan at this stage.
- The Open Space would be funded by the residents of the future dwellings.
- The application was for up to 150 dwellings. If at the reserved matters stage the number of dwellings was considered too dense for the location, then this would be reviewed.
- The reserved matters application would need to include a detailed layout.
- Concerns around the potential felling of trees and the tree officer’s comments could be revisited at the reserved matters stage.
- A condition to require that the land be used for employment purposes could not be put on the application.
- The landscaping would be taken care of by a Management Company.
- There would be 4-5 bedroomed houses included in the scheme.
Members’ Debate
Councillor J.Brown stated that ... view the full minutes text for item 13