Issue - meetings
Cross Keys Rest Garden
Meeting: 13/10/2021 - Cabinet (Item 39)
39 Proposed Disposal of Public Open Space Armscroft Road/Barnwood Road PDF 148 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council presenting the points raised at the Cabinet Meeting of 14th July 2021 regarding the disposal of Public Open Space at Armscroft Road/Barnwood Road.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Original Cabinet Report for 14 July 2021, item 39 PDF 153 KB
- Appendix 2 Timeline of Events, item 39 PDF 407 KB
(1) the further information and objections received in response to the s123 notices are noted
(2) the disposal of the whole site is approved following consideration.
Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council that presented the points raised at the Cabinet Meeting of 14th July 2021 regarding the disposal of Public Open Space at Armscroft Road/Barnwood Road.
Cabinet was asked to resolve that further information and objections be noted and that the disposal of the whole site be approved after consideration of the objections.
The Leader of the Council advised that the report had first been considered in July and after reviewing objections and allegations regarding the proposed disposal of the site, further information had been sought so that Cabinet could be assured that the process had been dealt with appropriately. A timeline of events formed Appendix 2 which provided the information necessary to validate the appropriateness of the process.
It was noted that the developers had been keen to proceed which caused them to start before all the processes had been dealt with. The Developer had been advised to stop the works on the site once the Council became aware.
The public open space had been described as low quality, low community value and low biodiversity value and was costly to maintain. The recommendation therefore was to dispose to permit the provision of much needed new housing. A condition had now been attached that the Developer provide a bench for local residents to use and consideration would be given on where the bench would be sited.
Cabinet Members recognised this would be a sensible approach to provide much needed housing at a suitable location.
(1) the further information and objections received in response to the s123 notices are noted
(2) the disposal of the whole site is approved following consideration.
Meeting: 14/07/2021 - Cabinet (Item 17)
17 Proposed Disposal of Public Open Space Armscroft Road/Barnwood Road PDF 153 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council presenting public objections to the disposal of a Public Open Space between Armscroft Road and Barnwood Roads.
Additional documents:
(1) the objections received in response to the s123 notices are noted;
(2) the disposal of the whole site is approved.
The Leader of the Council commented on the importance of receiving a full briefing from officers to clarify the process and further opportunity to consult the relevant Councillors before Cabinet considers the proposal to dispose of the Public Open Space between Armscroft and Barnwood Roads.
RESOLVED that consideration of the proposed disposal of the Public Open Space between Armscroft and Barnwood Roads be deferred to a later Cabinet meeting.