Issue - meetings
Estate Management Company for Kings Quarter
Meeting: 08/12/2021 - Cabinet (Item 66)
66 Estate Management Company for Kings Quarter PDF 1 MB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking to secure approval to authorise Officers to create a Management Company with the aim to oversee the estate services to perform the obligations to tenants in accordance with the Underleases and deliver on the overall strategy for the Kings Quarter Estate including Kings Square and the new development known as The Forum.
(1) authority is delegated to the Head of Place or the Head of Policy & Resources in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Environment to prepare and complete associated documentation for the creation of a Management Company to manage the Kings Quarter Estate
(2) progress on the regeneration and refurbishment of Kings Square is noted
(3) the progress with The Forum phase 1, plot 3b presently under construction with archaeology and enabling works on plot 4, is noted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council that sought to secure approval to authorise officers to create a Management Company with the aim to oversee estate services to perform the obligations to tenants in accordance with the underleases and deliver on the overall strategy for the Kings Quarter estate including Kings Square and the new development known as The Forum.
The Leader of the Council reminded Members that construction had already begun with Phase 2 expected to commence in March 2022 and that considerable private sector interest had been generated. He commented that the project had sustainability and social values embedded within it and its completion will see many of the Council’s aspirations realised. The Leader of the Council stressed the importance of maintaining the good quality of the estate and noted that the proposed company would operate along the same lines as the Gloucester Docks Estate Company Limited which had proved highly successful. The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods remarked that it was important for the Kings Quarter and Docks management companies to be kept separate. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure underlined the value of the site as a gateway to the City.
(1) authority is delegated to the Head of Place or the Head of Policy & Resources in consultation with the Leader of the Council, the Cabinet Member for Environment to prepare and complete associated documentation for the creation of a Management Company to manage the Kings Quarter Estate
(2) progress on the regeneration and refurbishment of Kings Square is noted
(3) the progress with The Forum phase 1, plot 3b presently under construction with archaeology and enabling works on plot 4, is noted.