Issue - meetings
Gloucester Local List
Meeting: 13/07/2022 - Cabinet (Item 17)
17 Adoption of a Local List of Heritage Assets for Gloucester PDF 134 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking adoption of a Local List as a proactive means of giving visibility to locally important heritage and community assets and to support the Council’s Planning officers in making informed decisions in relation to development proposals.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Local List Selection Criteria for Gloucester City Council, item 17 PDF 545 KB
- Appendix 2 Draft Local List for Gloucester (Emerging List), item 17 PDF 15 MB
- Appendix 3 Consultation Response Report on Draft Local List, item 17 PDF 69 KB
- Appendix 4 FAQs for Owners Regarding the Local List, item 17 PDF 69 KB
(1) the proposed Local List of heritage assets at Appendix 2 of the report is formally adopted;
(2) authority is delegated to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to revise the list on an annual basis and;
(3) authority is delegated to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council to make in year additions and deletions.
Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council that sought adoption of a Local List as a proactive means of giving visibility to locally important heritage and community assets and to support the Council’s Planning officers in making informed decisions in relation to development proposals.
The Deputy Leader of the Council highlighted the key features of the report. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that the draft Local List (Appendix 2) gave a good impression of the character of the whole City and would be a great tool to preserve its history. He urged that the officers responsible be commended. The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy enquired whether the public consultation (3.9) had included schools to engage young people. The Head of Place reassured Members that the emerging list would continue to be open to comment and that although he believed the initial consultation had not been sent to schools, any future consultation exercises might well be.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods asked if buildings or sites that appear on the List would be distinguished for visitors as being special. The Head of Place advised that although there would not be a physical marker their locally listed status would be visible online and that there are plans to promote them ward by ward to spread the word. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure noted that the Local List will inform the Civic Trust in deciding on the allocation and wording of their blue plaque scheme. The Head of Place reminded Members that the Civic Trust continued to be involved in developing the Local List.
(1) the proposed Local List of heritage assets at Appendix 2 of the report is formally adopted;
(2) authority is delegated to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, to revise the list on an annual basis and;
(3) authority is delegated to the Head of Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council to make in year additions and deletions.
Meeting: 06/06/2022 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)
9 Adoption of a Local List of Heritage Assets for Gloucester PDF 177 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council seeking adoption of a Local List as a proactive means of giving visibility to locally important heritage and community assets, and to support the Council’s Planning Officers in making informed decisions in relation to development proposals.
Report to follow.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 - Local List Selection Criteria, item 9 PDF 545 KB
- Appendix 2 - Draft Local List for Gloucester, item 9 PDF 8 MB
- Appendix 3 - Consultation Response Report on Draft Local List, item 9 PDF 90 KB
- Appendix 4 - FAQs to owners regarding the Local List, item 9 PDF 135 KB
9.1 The Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment introduced the report and explained that it sought to adopt a Local List of heritage assets for Gloucester. He noted that this would be a proactive means of giving visibility to important heritage assets in the city and would be updated on an annual basis. The Leader of the Council confirmed that information about what was particularly significant about each asset would be included on the Local List, which was set out in Appendix 2
9.2 The Leader of the Council confirmed that the consultation response report was provided in Appendix 3 and the FAQs presented to owners were set out in Appendix 4.
9.3 The Chair asked for further information regarding next steps and asked whether there would be future opportunities for Members to engage with the Local List. The Leader of the Council confirmed that the panel would continue to work to develop the Local List document and noted that it would be updated annually. He stated that all Members were encouraged to engage with this process as they had been previously.
9.4 Councillor Hilton raised concerns that some of the heritage assets included in the Local List were in the wrong ward and expressed the view that more work was needed on the Local List document. He referred to assets listed in Kingsholm which were in fact in Elmbridge and noted that the assets listed in Longlevens were also now in Elmbridge. Councillor Hilton commented that it was important that the document was accurate and that these errors were rectified ahead of final approval. It was noted that 2016 boundary maps were used to ascertain the relevant wards and the City Archeologist confirmed that officers could review the document and check that the wards were correct.
9.5 Councillor Hilton also queried why many of the assets were being proposed for addition to the Local List when they were already in conservation areas, such as Manor Farm House and Hillfield Gardens. He expressed the view that these assets would already have protection and that his preference would be to filter out assets which were already in conservation areas and focus on protecting those outside.
9.6 The City Archeologist explained that the Local List was a live document. He noted that once adopted, the list would be shared with Historic England and it would be updated annually in line with additions and removals. The City Archeologist stated that he would hesitate to exclude assets which were already in conservation areas as he felt there was still real value for assets and premises in being added to the Local List as it provided an additional layer of protection.
9.7 In response to a further query from Councillor Hilton, the Heritage Engagement Officer confirmed that a consultation had taken place and that the general public and asset owners were encouraged to participate. She reiterated that the Local List was a dynamic and fluid document. The Heritage Engagement Officer noted that ... view the full minutes text for item 9