Issue - meetings
Review of the S123 Notice for the Disposal of Open Space at Blackbridge
Meeting: 10/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 72)
72 Proposed Disposal of Land for Blackbridge Sports Hub PDF 109 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Policy and Resources bringing to Members’ attention to an objection received to the proposed disposal of public open space at Laburnum Road Podsmead intended for a Blackbridge Sports Hub, following the publication of an S123 Notice.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Objection, item 72 PDF 85 KB
- Appendix 2 Officers' Comments on Objection, item 72 PDF 89 KB
(1) the objection received in response to the S123 Public Notices for the disposal of open space is noted;
(2) following the consideration of the objection, that authority is given for the grant of a 125-year lease to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (CCBS) on terms to be determined by the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Asset Management Team.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that brought to Members’ attention an objection received, following the publication of an S123 Notice, to the proposed disposal of public open space at Laburnum Road Podsmead intended for Blackbridge Sports Hub.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources summarised the report. She informed Members that she agreed with the officers’ response to the objection (Appendix 2) and reminded them that delivery of the Blackbridge sports hub was a key Council priority. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure apprised Members that although he understood the objection, he nevertheless believed the sports hub would become a wonderful asset for the whole community and a welcome addition to healthy opportunities available in the City. The Cabinet Member for Environment confirmed that he found the officer’s response sensible.
(1) the objection received in response to the S123 Public Notices for the disposal of open space is noted;
(2) following the consideration of the objection, that authority is given for the grant of a 125-year lease to Blackbridge Charitable Community Benefit Society (CCBS) on terms to be determined by the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Asset Management Team.