Issue - meetings
Peer Challenge Action Plan Progress Report
Meeting: 10/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 68)
68 Peer Challenge Progress Review PDF 131 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council sharing the findings of the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge Team’s feedback report from October 2023 and providing an update on the recommendations.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Corporate Peer Challenge Progress Review Report, item 68 PDF 195 KB
- Appendix 2 Progress Update on Corporate Peer Challenge Action Plan, item 68 PDF 116 KB
RESOLVED that the:
(1) Corporate Peer Team Progress Review report is welcomed;
(2) progress report is circulated to Members, officers and partners involved in the Corporate Peer Challenge and made available to the public via the Council’s website;
(3) Action Plan updates prepared for the Peer Team ahead of their October 2023 visit are noted.
Cabinet considered the report of the Leader of the Council that shared the findings of the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge Team’s feedback report from October 2023 and provided an update on the recommendations.
The Leader of the Council summarised the report. The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources placed on record her thanks to the members of the Corporate Peer Challenge Team involved in what she had observed to be a very helpful return visit. She highlighted the positive feedback (appendix 1) and commented that it was great to demonstrate transparency and progress which she was confident would continue. The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure stated that this critical friend approach to scrutinising the Council was good and had generated useful feedback.
The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods particularly welcomed the development of a strategic priority framework to tackle inequalities (4.1). He noted that this complemented work being done by partners such as the NHS and would make the authority more inclusive of and responsive to the diverse health needs of all residents.
RESOLVED that the:
(1) Corporate Peer Team Progress Review report is welcomed;
(2) progress report is circulated to Members, officers and partners involved in the Corporate Peer Challenge and made available to the public via the Council’s website;
(3) Action Plan updates prepared for the Peer Team ahead of their October 2023 visit are noted.
Meeting: 08/01/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 76)
76 Peer Challenge Action Plan Progress Report PDF 132 KB
To consider the report of the Leader of the Council sharing the findings of the Local Government Association (LGA) Corporate Peer Challenge Team’s feedback report from October 2023, and providing an update on the implementation of the recommendations.
Additional documents:
- Peer Challenge Progress Review (Appendix 1), item 76 PDF 195 KB
- Peer Challenge Progress Review (Appendix 2), item 76 PDF 116 KB
76.1 The Leader of the Council, Councillor Cook, introduced the report. He advised Members that it sought to share the findings of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge Team’s feedback report further to their visit in October 2023 to review the Council’s progress towards the implementation of the recommendations from the Peer Challenge in November 2022.
76.2 Councillor Cook outlined the themes considered by the Peer Team and noted that the Council had also asked them to provide feedback on its response to the cyber incident and work undertaken to tackle inequalities. Councillor Cook further highlighted that the Peer Team had seen evidence of and welcomed the Council’s evolved approach to performance management and had also welcomed the increase in capacity at Senior Management level and Major Project work. He explained that the full Progress Review was included at Appendix 1.
76.3 The Chair referred to the statement in the report that the Peer Team had not yet seen evidence of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee providing critical challenge. He expressed the view that the Committee worked effectively and noted that he had not been approached to give evidence as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. He asked what more the Committee should be doing to fulfil this recommendation. The Corporate Director noted that it was possible that the Peer Team felt that not enough time had passed to see evidence of the Committee working in the way it should and suggested that the Chair approach the Lead Peer member for further advice.
76.4 In response to a further question from the Chair regarding external communications, Councillor Cook noted that any dedicated LGA Communications Peer Review would likely come at additional cost for the Council, however the Progress Review report had highlighted that external communications had improved.
76.5 In response to concerns raised by Councillor Hilton regarding the narrative around the Aspire Leisure Trust, Councillor Cook stated that the Trust had been contracted to provide leisure services on behalf of the Council until September 2024, following the options appraisal conducted by SLC consultancy. He noted that the Trust had initially agreed to extend the contract until September 2024, but had changed their position shortly before announcing their immediate liquidation.
76.6 Councillor Hilton referred to the narrative at 3.10.4 in the report regarding Member behaviour. He noted that as leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, he had not received any complaints from Officers regarding the behaviour of any Liberal Democrat Councillors and that Liberal Democrat Councillors behaved politely and respectfully to Council Officers.
76.7 Councillor Wilson expressed his disappointment at the statements around Member behaviour.
76.8 Councillor Pullen noted that he was disappointed by the observation of the Peer Team that some Members behave badly. He stated that he had not been made aware of any complaints about the behaviour of Labour Councillors. Councillor Pullen noted that Code of Conduct protocols had been reviewed by the Monitoring Officer and asked whether these related to Member or Officer Code of Conduct. It ... view the full minutes text for item 76