Issue - meetings

Cemetery Rules and Regulations Review

Meeting: 10/01/2024 - Cabinet (Item 73)

73 Review of Gloucester Cemetery Rules and Regulations pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources outlining proposed changes to the rules and regulations for the Gloucester Cemeteries following a decision by Council to review the 2014 rules.

Additional documents:




(1)       the proposed changes to the rules and regulations of Coney Hill and Tredworth Cemeteries in Appendix 2 of the report is noted;


(2)       authority is delegated to the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance & Resources to undertake a public consultation on the proposed changes;


(3)       on conclusion of the consultation, a report will be brought to Cabinet on the outcome of the consultation with recommendations, where appropriate, to change the rules and regulations for Coney Hill and Tredworth Cemeteries.




Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that outlined proposed changes to the rules and regulations for the Gloucester Cemeteries following a decision by Council to review the 2014 rules.


The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources drew Members’ attention to the prosed rule changes (Appendix 2) and reminded them that they had been directed by Council (16th November 2023 minute 53.15) to conduct a public consultation on the matter.  She further commented on the importance of giving bereaved families certainty and cemetery staff clear instructions in time for the spring maintenance to commence.  The Cabinet Member for Environment noted that the proposed changes were in line with the comparative rules from other authorities (Appendices 4-7).  She thanked officers for their timely and thorough work.




(1)       the proposed changes to the rules and regulations of Coney Hill and Tredworth Cemeteries in Appendix 2 of the report is noted;


(2)       authority is delegated to the Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance & Resources to undertake a public consultation on the proposed changes;


(3)       on conclusion of the consultation, a report will be brought to Cabinet on the outcome of the consultation with recommendations, where appropriate, to change the rules and regulations for Coney Hill and Tredworth Cemeteries.



Meeting: 08/01/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 78)

78 Cemetery Rules and Regulations Review pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources outlining the proposed changes to the rules and regulations for Gloucester Cemeteries following a decision by Council to review the 2014 rules.

Additional documents:


78.1    The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources, Councillor Norman, introduced the report and confirmed that it sought to outline the proposed changes to the rules and regulations for Gloucester Cemeteries following a decision by Council to review the 2014 rules. Councillor Norman explained that the proposed changes were set out in Appendix 2 and included the allowance of a concrete border and grass seeding graves once they had reached final settlement. She further advised Members that the report proposed a public consultation, and it was the intention to bring a further report to Cabinet in March to approve the final proposals following the consultation.


78.2    The Chair highlighted a typing error at 3.2 which referred to ‘church years rather than ‘church yards.’


78.3    Councillor Hilton referred to the requirement for borders to be made of granite or concrete materials and asked whether these materials complied with the Council’s carbon neutral aspirations. Councillor Norman noted that this would be followed-up with the Council’s Climate Change and Decarbonisation Lead after the public consultation.


78.4    Councillor Pullen observed that the report was an interesting read and asked for further information as to who would be invited to participate in the public consultation. Councillor Norman confirmed that she intended for the consultation to be as broad as possible. She advised that the Council would be sharing the consultation on social media, the designated consultations web page on the Council website, and through the weekly bereavement coffee morning as a focus setting. She further confirmed that there would be engagement with local funeral directors and notices of the consultation around graves in the cemeteries.


78.5    Councillor Sawyer noted that she was pleased to see the proposed changes around grass seeding. In response to Councillor Sawyer’s reflection on her personal experience, Councillor Norman asked that she contact her directly to discuss her concerns.


78.6    Councillor Wilson referred to the narrative at 3.2 and the proposal that no glass of any kind should be placed on the graves. He asked whether ornaments, such as glass jars, would be permitted. Councillor Norman explained that Officers had researched the approach taken by other Councils and noted that all broken glass had the potential to cause accidents to adults and children.


78.7    In response to a query from the Chair as to next steps, Councillor Norman confirmed that if approved by Cabinet, the proposals would go out to public consultation with a view of Cabinet approving the final proposals in March. She noted that where plots had been purchased with a deed in place, the rules at the time of the deed being made would apply and therefore there may be some variances across the cemeteries.


78.8    In response to an additional query from the Chair, Councillor Norman confirmed that Members were welcome to contribute to the consultation.


          RESOLVED – That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee NOTE the report.