Issue - meetings
Hold of Purchase in Reserve Graves
Meeting: 07/02/2024 - Cabinet (Item 83)
83 Suspension of `Purchase in Reserve' Grave Spaces PDF 97 KB
To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources proposing that the ability to purchase in reserve grave spaces be suspended in view of limited space while plots will continue to be available for immediate use and all graves that have already been purchased in reserve will still remain.
(1) Gloucester City Council implement a suspension on the ability to purchase in reserve graves until an additional site for burial land is available;
(2) authority is delegated to Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources to remove the suspension once additional burial land has been secured.
Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources that proposed that the ability to purchase in reserve grave spaces be suspended in view of limited space while plots already purchased will continue to be available for use.
The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources reminded Members of the importance of making provision for residents of all faiths and beliefs. She outlined the background to the proposed short-term suspension (3.1-4), and the risks of not doing so (4.1). The Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources advised that additional burial land was expected to have been secured by December 2025.
The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that the proposal was the most pragmatic way forward. The Cabinet Member for Environment stated that it was a common-sense solution as not suspending the facility would result in increased costs for residents.
(1) Gloucester City Council implement a suspension on the ability to purchase in reserve graves until an additional site for burial land is available;
(2) authority is delegated to Head of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Performance and Resources to remove the suspension once additional burial land has been secured.