Issue - meetings

Museum Development Plan Update

Meeting: 06/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 93)

93 Museum Development Plan Update pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure seeking to provide an overview of progress made to date against the Museum Development Plan 2021-2026.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the report is accepted and progress against the objectives and actions noted.


To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure that sought to give an overview of progress made to date against the Museum Development Plan 2021-2026.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure advised Members that the substantial but essential background task of cataloguing and examining the 750,000 objects in the Museum’s collections had to be done to a high standard to retain Arts Council England Accreditation status.  He noted that the public programme of events had resumed and was improving.  The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure thanked the Visitor Experience Service Manager and her team for their good work as custodians of Gloucester’s heritage.


The Cabinet Member for Communities and Neighbourhoods advised Members that it was right to support the Development Plan as the Museum was a cultural anchor contributing to the local economy as well as fostering pride and a sense of belonging.  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy commented that in displaying our history; the more the better.


RESOLVED that the report is accepted and progress against the objectives and actions noted.

Meeting: 05/02/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 98)

98 Museum Development Plan Update pdf icon PDF 139 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure providing an overview of progress made to date against the Museum Development Plan 2021-2026.

Additional documents:


98.1    The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, Councillor Andrew Lewis, introduced the Museum Development Plan Progress Update report and invited questions from Members.


98.2    The Chair asked whether the Council was confident that the Museum of Gloucester would retain its accreditation. Councillor Lewis confirmed that he was as confident as he could be.


98.3    In relation to the former Folk of Gloucester Museum decant, the Chair asked whether all of its collections were being decanted to the Museum of Gloucester. The Head of Culture confirmed that there were a large number of items belonging to the Museum of Gloucester which were still at the Folk of Gloucester Museum. He noted that there was previously a list of around 1000 objects which the Folk of Gloucester wished to retain, however the position had now changed and it was likely that all items would be decanted to the Museum of Gloucester.


98.4    In response to a further question from the Chair as to whether there were any security concerns around this collection, Councillor Lewis replied that he was not aware of security concerns from the Folk of Gloucester Museum.


98.5    Councillor Pullen referred to 8.4 in the report regarding discussions with the county Library service and asked for clarification that the building was in the ownership of the County Council rather than the City Council, to which Councillor Lewis confirmed that it was.


98.6    Councillor Pullen asked whether it would make sense for the museum to expand into the library building when it became vacant. Councillor Lewis advised that conversations regarding the future use of the space were ongoing with the County Council and confirmed that the library was due to relocate to the former Debenhams building towards the end of the year.


98.7    Councillor Hilton referred to 3.5 in the report regarding the accreditation renewal for the Museum of Gloucester. He asked what the deadline of the submission of returns was, and how onerous a task it would be for Officers. He also asked whether there would be any budgetary impact as a result of this process. The Head of Culture advised that the Council had not yet received a timeframe and that the submission could take several months to prepare. This said, he confirmed that the culture service had systems in place and that he did not believe it would require additional financial resource.


98.8    Councillor Tracey referred to surplus disposals and asked whether there were any opportunities to sell on some collections such as clothes and pottery. The Head of Culture explained that good collection management did require disposal, however in order to achieve accreditation, the museum needed to follow a designated process rather than opting to sell items at first instance. He noted that financially motivated sales could take place, however other options, such as decanting to other museums, should be considered first.


98.9    In response to a question from Councillor A. Chambers regarding collection digitisation and the prospect of an online portal, Councillor Lewis explained that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 98