Issue - meetings

Future Opportunities for the Fleece

Meeting: 06/03/2024 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Future Opportunities for the Fleece pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment seeking approval to enable officers to explore a potential development option for the Fleece Hotel site (including Longsmith Street Carpark) with the Phoenix Village Project.

Additional documents:




(1)       the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for

Environment, agrees a ‘Statement of Intent’ with the Phoenix Village Project to use as the basis to progress the project to agree Heads of Terms as set out in (2) below;


(2)       the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the

Environment, the Head of Finance and Resources, and the Council Solicitor, develops Heads of Terms with Phoenix Village Project to enable the redevelopment of the Fleece Hotel site (including Longsmith Street Carpark), and report these back to Cabinet in due course;


(3)       the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the

Environment, the Head of Finance and Resources, and the Council Solicitor, should pursue appropriate grant funding opportunities to enable the development of the Fleece Hotel Site. Should such grant funding require capital investment from the Council, appropriate authority will be sought.


Cabinet considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment that sought approval to enable officers to explore a potential development option for the Fleece Hotel site (including Longsmith Street Carpark) with the Phoenix Village Project.


The Cabinet Member for Environment summed up the background to the report noting the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and changed economy since 2017 (3.1-12).  He advised that the Phoenix Village proposal represented a very good opportunity to benefit young adults while preserving and bringing an important heritage asset back to life.


The Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure commented that although it was sad the redevelopment had taken so long, the proposal would be great for young people.  The Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing Strategy stated that she was proud to support practical solutions for the disadvantaged and to revitalise Gloucester’s heritage.




(1)       the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for

Environment, agrees a ‘Statement of Intent’ with the Phoenix Village Project to use as the basis to progress the project to agree Heads of Terms as set out in (2) below;


(2)       the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the

Environment, the Head of Finance and Resources, and the Council Solicitor, develops Heads of Terms with Phoenix Village Project to enable the redevelopment of the Fleece Hotel site (including Longsmith Street Carpark), and report these back to Cabinet in due course;


(3)       the Head of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for the

Environment, the Head of Finance and Resources, and the Council Solicitor, should pursue appropriate grant funding opportunities to enable the development of the Fleece Hotel Site. Should such grant funding require capital investment from the Council, appropriate authority will be sought.

Meeting: 26/02/2024 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 109)

109 Future Opportunities for the Fleece pdf icon PDF 152 KB

To consider the report of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Environment seeking approval to enable Officers to explore a potential development option for the Fleece Hotel site (including Longsmith Street Carpark) with the Phoenix Village Project.

Additional documents:


109.1  The Leader of the Council, Councillor Richard Cook, introduced the report and explained that it sought Cabinet approval to explore a potential development option for the Fleece Hotel site with the Phoenix Village Project. He outlined the recommendations at 2.2 in the report and highlighted that the Appendix 1 showed the extent of the site.


109.2  Councillor Cook advised that although the site was initially earmarked for a boutique hotel or retail opportunity following receipt of Levelling Up funding for the development of the site, the Covid-19 pandemic had changed the local economy and the initial agreement had been reconsidered. He advised that the Phoenix Village Project were developing a business plan as a community hub with provision for young adults and that next steps would be work with Phoenix Village to develop a Statement of Intent for negotiations.


109.3  The Chair expressed the view that the proposals were interesting and ambitious, and asked whether the plans were realistic. The Head of Place advised that the report sought Cabinet approval to enter into negotiations, and that the Council would obtain further detailed information about the proposals once those negotiations had taken place. He noted that Officers would provide further recommendations to Cabinet based on those discussions.


109.4  Councillor Wilson stated his view that the proposals were worthwhile, but noted that he wondered why the Phoenix Village Project were particularly interested in the Fleece site. He highlighted that development of the site would be a large, expensive and demanding project. Councillor Cook noted that the Phoenix Village Project had approached the Council with their interest, and had already undertaken a visit of the site.


109.5  Councillor Hilton asked whether the Council intended to pursue a secure freehold sale for the site, where the Council intended to obtain grant funding from and whether there would be any capital implications for the Council if the funding bid was unsuccessful. He also asked for further information as to the current condition of the historic inn, and what the Phoenix Village Project future intentions were for this building. The Head of Place confirmed that the building remained in a similar condition to that of Councillor Hilton’s recent visit and that several surveys had been undertaken which had provided an idea of costs of restoration. He advised that there were 3 distinct parts to the site, and that the Council had not decided whether the sale would be freehold or leasehold and that this would form part of the negotiations. The Head of Place  confirmed that the Council had had positive discussions with a national organisation, and that the intention, subject to approval, was to make a 2-stage grant funding bid. In terms of the historic inn, he advised that he had not seen specified allocation plans for this part of the site.


109.6  Councillor Pullen expressed the view that the proposals were innovative and refreshing. He asked for clarification as to whether the Council intended to seek grant funding to prepare the site, with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109